Data Source Summary - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
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The data source Summary tab shows information about a data source, including type, who loaded the data, and the date and time the data was loaded. There is also metadata about data rows, attributes, and associated business rules.

The Summary tab also includes graphical pie and bar charts to help give you at-a-glance views of the quality of your data and the attributes it contains (see Data Visualization Tools). Drill down from bar charts to view more information.
Note: If the data source is dynamic, only a subset of metadata is available. For example, loaded by, loaded date, and number of rows and values are available for profiled data sources only. Statistics for unsupported details show as N/A. Charts and tables are unavailable, except for the Rules Compliance pie chart.

To access and work with the data source Summary

  1. On the navigation menu, click View Data Sources and run a search for the data source you want to investigate.
  2. From the Find Data Sources results view, double-click the data source whose metadata you want to view. The Data Source: Name panel opens.
    Note: If the data source is dynamic, a bolt icon () displays and the term Dynamic precedes Data Source: Name.
  3. Click the Summary tab to see metadata about your data source in summary and graphic format, including:
    • Data source, data rows, and business rule summary metadata such as type of data source, number of data rows, attributes, unique values, and passing, failing, and total rules.
    • Rules Compliance pie chart showing the pass percentage for rules in the data source. Download the chart as a PDF or image file. For more information about using the charts and graphs, see Data Visualization Tools.
    • Attribute Completeness bar chart detailing the null, duplicate, and unique values found in each attribute of the data source. (Profiled data sources only.)
    • Relationships table showing the number of permanent and discovered keys, dependencies, and joins in the data. If one or more relationships are permanent or discovered:
      • Click a number to open a tab showing associated permanent or discovered relationships. For joins, the Venn Diagram for the first join in the Joins tab also opens. If there are no relationships available, a zero (0) displays and the drill-downs are unavailable.
      • Click a Keys, Dependencies, or Joins column name to open a tab showing all metadata for that relationship.
      • To create or discover a relationship, click the Keys, Dependencies, or Joins plus button.
    Note: For more information about data relationship analysis, and to change a relationship's status to either permanent or discovered, see Data Relationship Results. (Profiled data sources only.)
    • The following tabs become active below the Data Source: Name panel:
      • Attribute Summary. Shows the metadata for each attribute in the data source. Double-click a row to view more information about the attribute metadata.
      • Source Metadata. Shows the data value and description for each type of data source metadata. To see data values associated with your metadata, double-click a row highlighted in blue (generally, a row that has a numeric value greater than 0). A tab opens (or becomes active) showing the data rows. For example, the Discovered Keys tab shows the data rows that contain all the keys discovered in the data source. Drilling down to the row minimum length and row maximum length metadata from this tab is not supported.
      • Data Rows. Shows all rows of data in the data source.
      • Rule Results. Shows all business rules associated with the data source.

    You can export the contents of each tab as a .CSV file. See Exporting Data Sources.

  4. When finished, click Done to return to the Find Data Sources results view.