When you search for data sources, all data sources matching the search criteria are displayed in the Data Sources results view. Metadata is discovered for each data source loaded into the TSS repository. Double-click a row highlighted in blue to open a tab showing additional data source metadata. For example, double-clicking Discovered Dependencies will open a tab showing discovered dependency metadata including left-hand attributes and the right-hand attribute that make up the dependency.
To view data source metadata in the repository
List of Metadata
The Data Sources results view displays the following metadata to help give you insight to information discovered when the data source was loaded into the TSS repository. Data source metadata allows you to better understand the content and structure of your data.
Column | Description |
Indicates if the data source is dynamic. | |
Data Source Name* | Name of the data source. This is the schema/DDL table name and can be edited as needed. |
Data Source ID* | Identification number of the data source. |
Description* | Data source description. |
Notes* | Number of notes created for the data source. Click the number to open the data source and the Notes tab, showing all notes for that data source. |
Source Type* |
Type of data source file type. Supported source types include COBOL, Delimited, DB2, Fixed-Length, ODBC, and Oracle. |
Passing Rules* | Number of passing business rules in the data source. |
Failing Rules* | Number of failing business rules in the data source. |
Created by User* | Name of user who created the data source. |
Date Created * | Date and time the data source was created. |
Loaded by User* | Name of user who loaded the data into the repository. |
Loaded Date* | Date and time the data was loaded into the repository. |
Schema Name | Schema name for the data source. |
Used in Trillium Projects | Whether the data source is in a Time Series Analysis, Joins, or TS Quality project in the Trillium Control Center. Values are N and Y. |
Attributes | The number of attributes in the data source, including overflow if present. |
Rows | The number of loaded data rows. |
Values | The number of unique values loaded across all attributes in the data source. |
Row Minimum Length | Minimum row length. |
Row Maximum Length | Maximum row length. |
Business Rules | The total number of business rules in the data source. |
Enabled Business Rules | The number of enabled business rules in the data source. |
Data Source | File name of the data source. |
Connection Data | The connection parameters for the data. |
Encoding | Encoding used when loading the data. For example, ASCII. |
Schema | File name of the schema source. |
Permanent Keys | The number of permanent keys verified for this data source. |
Discovered Keys | The number of discovered keys for this data source. |
Permanent Dependencies | The number of permanent dependencies verified for this data source. |
Discovered Dependencies | The number of discovered dependencies for this data source. |
Permanent Joins | The number of permanent joins verified for this data source. |
Discovered Joins | The number of discovered joins for this data source. |
BR Compliance% | The measure of how well the data in the data source complied with the business rule analysis. If all rules failed, then BR Compliance is 0.000%. |
Delimiter | Field delimiter set when the data source was loaded. |
Quote Character | Character used to represent how the data source groups strings together. |
Data Source Type | Type of data source: real (fully loaded) or dynamic (linked to). |
Data Source State | State of the data source: schema only, fully-loaded, or delete requested. |
Project Base | Whether the data source is a base data source in a project. |
Project Internal | Whether the data source is an internal data source in a project. |
Extraction Type | Whether the data source is a SQL view, extracted array, or record type. |
Data Source Priority | The business importance of the data source. |
Unsigned Packed | Unsigned packed decimals supported (treats COMP-3 like COMP-6). |
Redefines | Shows whether the first or all redefines fields were chosen. |
Creation Rule | Rule (SQL WHERE clause) used to create the data source. |
Charset | Data source character set. For example, ASCII or EBCDIC. |
Endian | The endianness of the data source, either Big Endian or Little Endian. |
Alignment | Whether one or two bytes at a time are allotted to binary fields. |
Row Delimiter | Row delimiter set when the data source was created. |
Quote Escape Character | The character used to escape quotes when quotes are used both in the data and around the data. In the following example, the quote escape character is a backslash, used so that the quotes around 123 should not signify the next column: "Test \"123\"" |
Sample Criteria | Filter applied to the data source. |
Row Average Length | Average length of rows in the data source. |
Pre-processing Rule | Pre-processing rule applied to data source before loading. |
Joins Analysis | Whether the data source is configured in the Control Center to be used in joins analysis. 1 = yes, 0 (zero) = no. |
Dependency Analysis | Whether the data source is configured to be used for dependency analysis. 1 = yes, 0 (zero) = no. |
Key Analysis | Whether the data source is configured to be used for key analysis. 1 = yes, 0 (zero) = no. |
Sample Size | The size of the sample of data used for key and dependency analysis. |
Key Uniqueness | The percentage of how unique keys must be. |
Sample Start | Key and dependency sample start position. |
Sample Step Size | Key and dependency sample step size. |
Sample Percentage | Key and dependency random sample percentage. |
Sample Seed | Key and dependency random sample seed. |
Combined Attributes | For the data source's keys and dependencies, the maximum number of combined attributes. |
Dependency Consistency | The measure, as a percentage, of how consistently a left-hand attribute identifies the value in the right-hand attribute. |
Exclusion Distinctness | The dependency analysis attribute exclusion limit for sparse attributes. |
Pattern | Pattern format configured to create patterns. For example, default. |
State Date Changed | The date the state of the data source was changed. |
State Changed By | Name of the user who changed the data source. |
Metadata Date Changed | The date the data source metadata properties were changed. |
Metadata Changed By | The name of the user who changed the metadata. |
Schema Attributes | The number of attributes found in the schema. |
Schema Record Length | Length of the schema. |
Byte Order | Identifies the endianness of the data, either Big Endian or Little Endian. (COBOL data sources.) |
Data Alignment | Identifies whether 1 or 2 bytes are allocated for binary fields. (COBOL data sources.) |
Record Delimiter | Character sequence that separates records, either LF or CR/LF. (COBOL data sources.) |