Data Source Attribute Details - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
First publish date
The data source Attribute Details tab shows metadata about attributes contained in the current data source, including details about the range, completeness, and frequency of data values, overview of pattern information, and the count and distribution percentage of the type of data found in the attribute. The Attribute Details tab includes line, bar, and pie charts that present the attribute details in graphical format. Drill down from charts to view more information.
Note: If the data source is dynamic, only a subset of metadata is available. Statistics for unsupported details show as N/A. Charts and tables are unavailable.

To access and work with the Attribute Details tab

  1. On the navigation menu, click View Data Sources and run a search for the data source you want to investigate.
  2. From the Find Data Sources results view, double-click the data source whose attributes you want to view. The Data Source: Name panel opens.
    Note: If the data source is dynamic, a bolt icon () displays and the term Dynamic precedes Data Source: Name.
  3. Click Attribute Details. A list of attributes in the data source populates in the order the attributes appear in the schema. By default, the panel and tabs populate with attribute details for the first attribute in the list, including:
    • Tables and charts showing the graphical representation of the completeness, range, and frequency of values and patterns in the attribute and the types of data that make up the structure of the attribute. (Profiled data sources only.) For more information about using the charts and graphs, see Data Visualization Tools.
    • Below the panel, Attribute Summary, Data Rows, and Rule Results tabs become active, showing metadata for the first attribute in the list.
    • A tab named for the first listed attribute opens showing an overview of that attribute's metadata. Double-click a row highlighted in blue to open a tab showing attribute data values and associated metadata. For example, clicking the Masks row opens a tab showing all unique masks discovered in the attribute. To export the metadata, see Exporting Attributes. From the Patterns, Masks, Soundexes, or Metaphone tabs, double-click a row to drill-down to see values associated with the selected pattern. Export selected rows as needed.
    • A second tab opens showing values metadata for the attribute, including Frequency, Value, Distribution %, Pattern, Mask, Metaphone, and Soundex.(Profiled data sources only.) To export the values, see Exporting Attributes. Double-click a row to drill-down to the data row(s) that contain the value. To export the data rows, see Viewing Data Rows.
  4. In the Attribute Name list, search for the attribute whose details you want to view. Note the following:
    • If there are dozens or hundreds of attributes, scroll through the list or enter the attribute name in the Filter text field to narrow your search.
    • To sort the list in ascending, descending, or schema (the default) order, click the Attribute Name heading.
  5. Click the attribute's name in the list to update the chart information and open (or refresh) the corresponding tabs.
  6. To see the description of the selected attribute, click the information icon () to the right of the attribute's name. The description displays in a pop-up window. To edit the attribute's name and/or description, click the edit attribute icon (). For details, see Editing Attributes.
  7. When finished, click Done to return to the Find Data Sources results view.