After you run a
search for
data sources, open the data source to access the Properties tab. From the
Properties tab, you edit the data source name; add or edit the description; drill down to
associated rules, attributes, rule sets, and data rows; add a new rule; associate with a
rule set; and see an overview of the following metadata:
- Data source ID, name, and description
- Attribute and row counts (profiled (loaded) data sources only)
- Number of rule sets and rules associated with the data source
- Data source state, type, and file name
- Schema name, schema file name, encoding, delimiter (when applicable), and text qualifier (when applicable). Certain delimiters and qualifiers are represented by hexadecimal (HEX) characters.
To open and work with Data Source Properties
From the Data Sources Results view, double-click a data source. The Data Source: Name panel opens with the Summary tab active.
Note: If the data source is dynamic, a bolt icon (

) displays and the term Dynamic precedes Data Source:
Click the Properties tab. An overview of data source metadata displays. The following tabs become active below the Data Source: Name panel:
Attribute Summary. Shows the metadata for each attribute in the data source. Double-click a row to view more information about the attribute metadata.
Source Metadata. Shows the data value and description for each type of data source metadata. To see data values associated with your metadata, double-click a row highlighted in blue (generally, a row that has a numeric value greater than 0). A tab opens (or becomes active) showing the data rows. For example, the Row min len tab shows the data row that contains the minimum length value in the data source.
Data Rows. Shows all rows of data in the data source.
Rule Results. Shows all business rules associated with the data source.
Drill down from the Data Source: Name panel to see more information about the data source:
- To see metadata about the data source, click the number after Attribute Count. The Attribute Summary tab becomes active and shows metadata for each attribute in the data source.
- To see data rows contained in the data source, click the number after Row Count. The Data Rows tab becomes active and shows the data rows and the values contained in each attribute. (Not available for dynamic data sources.)
- To see rule sets associated with the data source, click the number after Rule Set Associations. The Rule Sets tab opens and lists all associated rule sets. To view or edit the rule set, double-click a row to open the Rule Set: Name panel. To close the Rule Sets tab, click the X on the tab.
- To see the results of rules contained in the data source, click the number after Rules. The Rule Results tab becomes active and shows analysis metadata for all business rules associated with the data source.
To add rule set associations to the data source, click the Add Associations icon (
). See Adding Rule Set Associations to Data Sources.
To add a new business rule to the data source, click the Add Rule icon (
). The Add New Rule tab opens. For more information, see Adding Business Rules to Data Sources.
Edit the data source name and description if needed. To save your edits, click Save.
Click Done to return to the Data Sources results panel.