Advanced Options - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Discovery Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Discovery
Trillium Discovery Center
First publish date

When adding or editing a rule, you can use the following advanced options:

  • Filter By
  • Group By
  • Aggregate By

Note the following guidelines:

  • You must enable the option before you can open the Expression Builder or enter values in the text field.
  • If you disable the option after you enter a sub-expression, your work will not be saved. Enable the option again to edit and/or save your work.
  • These options are available when the rule you are adding or editing is associated with a profiled (fully loaded) data source. Dynamic data sources do not support the use of the Filter By, Group By, and Aggregate By options.

Filter By Option

The Filter By option allows you to "select" which rows are to be considered by the rule expression based on a given condition. Here is an example of a filter by expression:

Account-Close-date => Account-Opened-date with "Filter By" Is_Empty(Close-Date) = 1

This rule will ensure that the Close-date must be greater than or equal to the Account-Opened-date. If the Close-date is not populated, account is still open.

To configure the Filter By option

  1. In the Business Rule: Name panel, click Filter By and then select the Enable check box. The text area becomes active and the green check () displays on the Filter By tab.

    To disable this option, clear the Enable check box. Once disabled, the Filter By tab will show the disabled icon ().

  2. Enter the filter statement in the text area. Alternatively, click the edit icon (). The Edit Filter By Expression panel opens.
    Note: For attribute names that start with a zero, ensure you include the name within single quotes, for example, '01line'. Otherwise, you will get an error.
  3. To check your expression, click Validate. To check your expression as you enter it, select Auto-validate. When the expression is correct, a Validation Succeeded message displays under the text area. If the expression is incorrect, a Validation Failed message displays, along with the reason for the failure. For example, unexpected identifier or unrecognized variable. Modify the expression as needed.
  4. Click Done to save the expression and close the Expression Builder.

Group By Option

The Group By option groups the results of a business rule expression into categories based on parameters you define. The Group By expression is typically an attribute or a combination of attributes.

To configure the Group By option

  1. In the Business Rule: Name panel, click Group By and then check the Enable option. The text area becomes active and the green check icon () displays on the Group By tab.

    To disable this option, clear the Enable check box. Once disabled, the Group By tab will show the disabled icon ().

  2. Enter the group by statement in the text area. Alternatively, click the edit icon (). The Edit Group By Expression panel opens.

    This expression can be boolean or non-boolean. To check your expression, click Validate. To check your expression as you enter it, select Auto-validate. When the expression is correct, a Validation Succeeded message displays under the text area. When validation fails, an error message highlights the problem, and for non-boolean expressions, you also see the following message: Validation Failed: The result of the expression must be either true or false.

    Note: For attribute names that start with a zero, ensure you include the name within single quotes, for example, '01line'. Otherwise, you will get an error.
  3. Click Done to save the expression and close the Expression Builder.

Aggregate By Option

The Aggregate By option totals numeric values for business rule passing and failing results. You aggregate results using one of five mathematical operators: sum, average, maximum, minimum, and count.

When used with the Filter By or Group By options, aggregation is performed on the filtered or grouped rows. Aggregated group results show the aggregate value results for passing and failing rows for each group.

To configure the Aggregate By option

  1. In the Business Rule: Name panel, click Aggregate By and then check the Enable option. The text area becomes active and the green check icon () displays on the Aggregate By tab.

    To disable this option, clear the Enable check box. Once disabled, the Aggregate By tab will show the disabled icon ().

  2. From the Method drop-down list select one of five mathematical operators: sum, average, maximum, minimum, and count (default).
  3. Enter the aggregate by statement in the text area. Alternatively, click the edit icon (). The Edit Aggregate By Expression panel opens.

    This expression can be boolean or non-boolean. To check your expression, click Validate. To check your expression as you enter it, select Auto-validate. When the expression is correct, a Validation Succeeded message displays under the text area. When validation fails, an error message highlights the problem, and for non-boolean expressions, you also see the following message: Validation Failed: The result of the expression must be either true or false.

    Note: For attribute names that start with a zero, ensure you include the name within single quotes, for example, '01line'. Otherwise, you will get an error.
  4. Click Done to save the expression and close the Expression Builder.