Customizing the Postal Matcher Token Masks in the Parsing Exceptions Analyzer (JP) - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
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Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
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By default, all token mask patterns of the output data are written to the exceptions file for review. The Postal Matcher displays mask patterns in the Geography Problems tab.

Modify Token Patterns

To modify token patterns

  1. Open the Customized Definitions file or create a new one.
  2. Use the Parsing Exceptions Analyzer to open the Geography Problems table. The first column displays the number of times and frequency percentage of the pattern; the second column displays the token mask pattern of the output data.


  3. Click the line that contains the pattern you want modify. The data rows for that exception mask are displayed in the lower pane (Pattern Examples).
  4. Review the token mask to identify the problem and determine a course of action. The letters U and X represent unknown tokens. You must recode the token masks to eliminate the U and X or replace the token with a valid one.
  5. Click the Mask Recode button in the Pattern Examples window. The New Entry window opens.


    Note: Alternative method: Right-click the token you want to redefine in the Pattern Examples window. And then double-click the correct token in a list of mask tokens and click the Apply button next to the Mask Recode button. The new token replaces the invalid one and is displayed in blue italics. The recoded entry is added to the Customized Definition table. Go to step 11.
  6. In the Mask Select box, highlight the tokens you want to include in the recoded mask. The highlighted tokens appear on the Recode to box. To select multiple tokens, slide the mouse across the tokens in the Mask Select box.


    In this example, all tokens (23hUio) are selected for patten modification.

  7. To change a token, click its value in the Recode to box and then right-click to display a list of token masks and their meanings. See Token Masks.
  8. Double-click on the replacement token value.


    In this example, the U token has been changed to g. Therefore the pattern "23hUio" will be recoded to "23hgio."

  9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for each token you want to redefine.
  10. Click Apply. The recoded entry is added to the Customized Definitions file.

    Example: '23hUjo' att=token-mask rec='23hUjo'

  11. Repeat the process for each pattern and save the Customized Definitions file.
  12. Close the AP Parser Tuner.

Modify only Part of a Token Pattern

To modify only part of a token pattern

  1. Repeat step 1 through 9 in the above procedure for each token you want to redefine.


    In this example, the pattern "Ui" will be recoded to "gi."

  2. From the Position list box, select the value that defines the position on the line where you expect to find this mask.
  3. Select the Wild Card option you want to apply. An asterisk represents multiple characters and a question mark represents a single character.

    Example: If the mask is to be applied to the middle of the line and you select the asterisk wildcard, then the mask is valid if multiple characters appear on both sides of it. If you select the question mask wildcard, only a single character can appear on both sides of the mask.

  4. Click Apply. The recoded entry is added to the Customized Definitions file.

    Example: '*Uj*' ATT=TOKEN-MASK REC='*gj*'

  5. Repeat the process for each pattern and save the Customized Definitions file.
  6. Close the AP Parser Tuner.