Adding a Definition to a Custom Definition Table for the JP Postal Matcher - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - Latest

Trillium Control Center

Product type
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Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium Control Center
First publish date

The AP Parser Tuner provides several options for adding a line to a custom definition table:

Note: Before using any of these methods, you must understand the definition syntax  that apply to entries.

Add Entries manually

To add entries manually

The most direct way to add entries is simply to enter them in the editing window. This window operates like a standard text editor.

  1. Open the Customized Definitions table from the Navigation area.
  2. Go to the Customized Definitions window and click below the line of asterisks.
  3. Add entries. See Parser Tuner Definition Syntax.
  4. Select Save from the File menu to save the entry in the Customized Definitions table.
  5. (Optional) Test the changes before applying them.
  6. Apply the changes to save them to the repository.

Add Entries with the Build Entry Wizard

To add entries with the Build Entry wizard

  1. Open the Customized Definitions table from the Navigation area.
  2. Go to the Customized Definitions window and click below the line of asterisks.
  3. Select Build Entry from the Toolsmenu.
  4. In the Entry Name box, type the word or pattern you want to add and press Enter. The Select Operation list becomes active and the text you entered appears in the Entry Area box.
  5. Select an operation and click Next. The Select Position list window opens.
  6. Select the appropriate position and click Next. The Select Keyword list window opens.
  7. Select a keyword and click Next.

    a. If you select Attribute, the Value or Definition window opens. Select the appropriate value and click Accept and OK.

    b. If you select Recode or Synonym, type in the value in the Entry Area box.

  8. Click Apply. The completed entry is added to the Customized Definitions table. The function automatically adds the proper quotation marks.
  9. Repeat Steps 4 - 8 to add additional entries.
  10. Click Close to close the Build Entry window and end the session.
  11. Select Save from the File menu to save the entry in the Customized Definitions table.
  12. (Optional) Test the changes before applying them.
  13. Apply the changes to save them to the repository.

Use the Quick Build Function

To use the Quick Build function

  1. Open the Customized Definitions table from the Navigation area.
  2. Go to the Customized Definitions and click below the line of asterisks.
  3. Select Quick Build from the Tools menu. The Quick Build wizard will open.
  4. Select an attribute in the Select Attribute list. Attributes for Japan are displayed in the lower part of the list. The selected entry appears in the Attributes box.
    Note: To add a new attribute, enter an attribute in the Attributes box and click Add.
  5. Enter the word you want associated with the selected attribute in the Entry Name box at the bottom of the window.
  6. Click Apply. The entry is inserted in the Customized Definitions window at the current cursor position.
  7. Repeat Steps 4 - 6 to add additional entries.
  8. Click Close to close the Quick Build window and end your session.
  9. Select Save from the File menu to save the entry in the Customized Definitions table.
  10. (Optional) Test the changes before applying them.
  11. Apply the changes to save them to the repository