Commit step fails - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - 6.x

Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

Product type
Product family
Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
First publish date

If you have successfully validated an EDMM and the EDMM does not commit successfully, review this section for assistance. If possible, do not close an EDMM that has failed to commit before attempting to correct the problem.

The table below describes the commit steps and what to do if the steps fail:


If it fails...

What to check

What to do

  1. EDMM is saved as filename(prodtemp).rsm.

The commit stops. You receive the message:

The preliminary filesave of the model failed. Commit stopped.

  • Does your local or network drive have enough free disk space?

  • If the EDMM is saved to a network drive, was there a network problem?

  • Is there a problem with your PC?

  • Free disk space on a local or network drive or correct the network or PC problem.

  • Commit the EDMM again.

2. Connect CDC connects to each server.

The commit stops. You receive a connection error and the message:

Commit at all servers failed.

  • Is there a network problem connecting to a server?

  • Is there a database problem?

  • Correct the network or database problem.

  • Commit the EDMM again.

  • If you cannot connect to all servers being committed simultaneously, you must commit to a file in offline mode.

3. XML at all hosts is rewritten from the current model.

Any host where XML writing failed shows X over the host icon and [XML not updated] in the host tree label.

  • Did the connection to a host drop before the commit could complete?

  • Check the Connect CDC Listener log for errors.

  • Update the XML at failed hosts.

4. Model is saved as filename.rsm.

Commit stops.

You receive the message:

Commit succeeded at some servers; however, unable to save this information in model filename.rsm. Consult the documentation for how to proceed.

If, when you first attempted to commit this EDMM, you did so in offline mode, new xml files overwrite any existing xml files of the same name.

  • Does your local or network drive have enough free space?

  • Is there a network problem?

  • Did the connection to a server time out before the commit could complete?

  • Is there a problem with your PC?

  • Free disk space on the local or network drive.

  • Correct the network or PC problem.

  • Increase the time out wait time.

  • Perform an incremental commit, which commits only the servers that failed to commit during the last attempt.

After fixing the problem, issue an incremental commit to attempt to save the file as filename.rsm.

If you have closed the EDMM or the application or PC crashed, forcing you to close the EDMM:

  • Open filename.rsm.

  • Select View>Options>Enabled to use Offline mode.

  • Perform a full or incremental commit on the EDMM to produce xml files for each server in the model and update filename.rsm.

5. Model is saved as filename (production).rsm.

Commit stops. You receive the message:

Commit succeeded at all servers. However, unable to save this information in model filename(production).rsm. Consult the documentation for how to proceed.

  • Does your local or network drive have enough free space?

  • If the EDMM file is saved to a network drive, is there a network problem?

  • Is there a problem with your PC?

  • Free disk space on the local or network drive.

  • Correct the network or PC problem.

  • After fixing the problem, issue an incremental commit to attempt to save the file.