Create or Edit an Import Template: Attribute Mapping - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Attribute Mapping page

The Attribute Mapping page allows you to specify which target attributes will be included in the import template.

The Attribute Mapping displays the list of target attributes currently defined for the template. The display order of the attributes can be changed by clicking and dragging the head of the columns. You can search for attributes by using the search box at the top of the page.

Changes made on the Attribute Mapping page will not be saved until the Save button has been clicked. In order to save successfully, you must have included at least one key target attribute.

The functions available on the Attribute Mapping page are:

Add attributes to the template's attribute list

To add a target attribute to the template's attribute list:

  1. In the Attribute Mapping page, click the Select Attributes button on the Manage Import Template tab's Activity bar. The Attribute Mapping editor will appear.
  2. The following controls affect the list of attributes displayed that can be added to the template's attribute list:
    • Repository: The Repository dropdown menus the target repositories included on the Related Repositories page. Selecting a repository will cause its attributes to be displayed in the list of available attributes.

    • Category: This option appears for repositories that have a taxonomy. Clicking in the Category box will display the taxonomy node tree. Selecting a node will cause its category attributes to be displayed in the list of available attributes.

    • Attribute Filter: To filter the available attributes list based on attribute name, in the Attribute Filter field, type in consecutive alpha-numeric characters that appear in the desired attribute names. The Target Attribute list will display all attributes in all tabs that contain the filter string.

  3. To add an attribute, select it, then use the right arrow button to add the attribute to the template's list of attributes.
  4. When you are finished adding target attributes, to close the Attribute Mapping editor, either click the left arrow icon at the top right of the Attribute Mapping editor, or click anywhere outside of the editor.
  5. To save your changes to the template's attribute list, click the Save button.

Add attributes to the template's attribute list using an imported sample file

To define an import template's attribute list, you can import a sample file that has the same columns as the files you want to import. This is different from importing an actual template which imports a template definition file in XML format, (see Import an import template). The easiest way create a sample file is to export the attributes you want to be included in the import template, (see Export Templates).

When you import a sample file, the attributes will be added to the template's list of attributes. The names of the imported columns will be stored in both the attributes list's source and target columns. If the names of the target attributes are different, you must map the new attributes to the correct target attributes, as described in Manage attribute mapping.

To add attributes by importing a sample file:

  1. In the Attribute Mapping page, click the More icon on the Manage Import Template tab's Activity bar, and select Import Template. An Import Template - Import window will appear. Set the configuration options as desired:
    • File Name: Select the sample file you want to import.

    • Advanced Options:

      • File Format: Select the file's format.

      • File Encoding: Select the file's encoding.

  2. When you are finished editing the configuration options, click the OK button. The columns in the file will be added to the template's attribute list.
  3. If necessary, map the new attributes to the correct target attributes as described in Manage Attribute Mapping.
  4. To save your changes to the template's attribute list, click the Save button.

Remove an attribute from the template's attribute list

To remove an attribute from the template's attribute list:

  1. In the Attribute Mapping page, select the attribute to remove.
  2. Click the Delete button on the Manage Import Template tab's Activity bar. The attribute will be removed from the template's list of included attributes.
  3. To save your changes to the template's attribute list, click the Save button.

Manage attribute mapping

The configuration options for each target attribute listed on the Attribute Mapping page can be edited by clicking its value. The options are:

  • Source Column: The name of the column in the source file that will be mapped to the target attribute. Note that this name must match the name of the column in the source file.

  • Target Attribute: The name of the target attribute that the source column will be mapped to. To edit this field, click it and select a different attribute from the related repositories.

  • Target Repository: The repository that contains the target attribute.

  • Is Key: Specifies if the attribute is a primary key. EnterWorks will use primary key or keys to determine if a record already exists in the target repository and it should be updated, or if a new record needs to be created.

  • Key Order: This field is automatically filled. If you have more than one key for the target repository, this field specifies the order of the keys. While this field is editable, it is seldom changed from the automatic setting.

  • Default Value: If a default value is specified and the source file does not include a value for a record's attribute, the default value will be used.

To save your changes to the template's attribute list, click the Save button.