Edit Shared Configuration Properties - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks™ software
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
First publish date


Shared configuration properties are system configuration values that are used across all servers in an EnterWorks installation, such as file paths, database connections, and security settings. Some of these properties are stored in the EPIM database and are accessible in the Classic UI's Shared Configuration List. The rest of the properties are stored in the sharedConfig.properties files located in several different folders.

Anytime shared configuration properties are edited in the EPIM database, you must clear the cache. Anytime sharedConfig.properties files are edited, you must restart all EnterWorks services.

Warning: EnterWorks has multiple sharedConfig.properties files, in various folders, on various servers. These files each have some settings that are unique to that file. Do NOT copy one sharedConfig.properties file over another. When you need to update sharedConfig.properties files, edit each file individually.

Some properties may be different in each sharedConfig.properties file, including the following:

Property Description

Defines the server on which the process resides and the port number on which it listens:

  • 8034 – Tomcat and Controller
  • 8x34 – Worker (where x is the worker number)
epim.connection.url Potentially different on each server if the appName property is set so that each connection to the EPIM database can be traced to the specific process.

Prefix for the debug log file for the process.

  • enable_webController
  • enable_appController
  • enable_appWorker<n>

Type of process:

  • 0 – Tomcat. If there are no workers, use this for WildflyController, also.
  • 1 – If there are workers, use this for Wildfly Controller.
  • 2 – WildflyWorker

Edit shared configuration properties

Warning: EnterWorks has multiple sharedConfig.properties files, in various folders, on various servers. These files each have some settings that are unique to that file. Do NOT copy one sharedConfig.properties file over another. When you need to update sharedConfig.properties files, edit each file individually.

To modify a shared configuration property:

  1. Determine if the property is in the Shared Configuration List:
    1. Log into EnterWorks Classic as a user with Administrative privileges.
    2. In the Feature bar, open the System tab and select Shared Configuration. The Shared Configuration List will appear.
    3. Search for the desired setting. Descriptions of properties are provided in the Description column.

      Tip: If a field value is too long to be seen comfortably, double-click it and the property will be opened in the editor where the value can be seen in its entirety.

  2. If the property is in the Shared Configuration List, edit it:
    1. Double-click the setting. A Shared Configuration Editor will appear.
    2. Set the Value as desired, then click the Save button.
    3. When you are finished editing the configuration values, click the Close button.
    4. Clear the Cache
  3. If the property is not in the Shared Configuration List Edit the sharedConfig.properties files:
    1. On each server running one of the following services:
      • EnableServerTomcat

      • EnableServerWildflyController

      • EnableServerWildflyWorker<n>

      search the folder:
      to find all the sharedConfig.properties files.
    2. Edit each of the sharedConfig.properties files as desired.
    3. Save and close the files.
    4. Restart EnterWorks services.