Add or Edit a Preference - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks™ software
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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To add or edit a Preference:

  1. Open the desired repository in a Repository View. To do so, open the Feature sidebar, select the desired folder, and select the desired repository.
  2. When a repository is opened, it will be displayed as defined in the Default Preference. If no Default Preference has been selected, all record attributes will be shown.
  3. Expand the Preference dropdown in the activity bar.
    • To create a Preference, select Add Preference.

    • To edit a Preference, select Edit Preference.

  4. The Add/Edit Preference window will appear. It has four tabs:
    1. Details tab:

      The Details tab contains basic configuration options.

      Select the Details tab and set the values as desired. The configuration options are:

      1. Name: (Required) The name of the Preference. This is a multi-language field. When you edit this value, you will be editing the language value for the session language. To edit other language values, click the Multi-language icon to display the other language values.
      2. Description: (Optional) A description of the Preference. This is a multi-language field. When you edit this value, you will be editing the language value for the session language. To edit other language values, click the Multi-language icon to display the other language values.
      3. Listing View: (Required) Sets the default Listing View. It defaults to Tabular Grid.
      4. Select Defined Template for Preview Option:(Optional) Provides a list of templates that can be linked to a preference.
      5. At the bottom right of a Repository View, the Records Per Page dropdown menu lets the user select how many records are displayed on a page.
        Define the Records Per Page dropdown menu by setting the List Of Records Per Page and the Number of Records Per Page values.
        • List Of Records Per Page: (required) The list of the available choices in the Records Per Page dropdown menu. The field accepts a list of numbers separated by commas. It defaults to "20, 50, 100, 250".

        • Number Of Records Per Page: (optional) A dropdown menu that sets the default number of records to display on a page. The list of values in the Number Of Records Per Page dropdown menu is the list of values specified in List Of Records Per Page.

      6. Set As Default: (optional) If selected, the Preference will be set as the Default Preference. It will be active when the repository is first opened. If no Favorite Detail Editor Preference is active when a repository is opened, the Default Preference will be active in the Detail Editor and Inline Editor as well.
      7. Set As Global: (optional). If selected, the Preference will be available to all users. Note that only the creator of a global Preference or a system administrator can modify or delete it.
      8. Set as Favorite for Detail Editor: (optional) If selected, the Preference will be used as the Favorite Detail Editor Preference. The Favorite Detail Editor Preference determines the format of record data in the Detail Editor and Inline Editor. If no Favorite Detail Editor Preference is active when a repository is opened, the Default Preference will be active in the Detail Editor and Inline Editor as well.
      9. Display Image: (optional) Specifies if the Cover Flow capability is activated in Repository View. If selected, the following settings will appear:
        • Image Context : (optional) Allows the user to select the context of the displayed images, such as: Lg (large), Med (medium), Original, Sm (small), or Thumbnail.

          Note: Be careful what image size is selected as it could slow the load time of the records being displayed.
        • Image/Row Height: (optional) Allows the user to override the default size of the Thumbnail and specify the images' height in pixels. This also controls the size of the images displayed in Card View and Gallery View.

      10. Add Category Attributes of Selected Taxonomy Node: If this is selected, when you are in a Repository View with the Hierarchy/Taxonomy sidebar open, if you click a taxonomy node, the taxonomy node's category attributes will be shown in addition to the attributes already included in the Preference.
      11. Enable Code Set Description: Check if you would like code set descriptions to be included in the prerernce.
      12. Show Attribute Name Before Link Name: Attributes from a linked repository include the link name in the column name. Check this if you want the attribute name listed before the link name
      13. Select Next to switch to the Attributes tab or select Cancel to exit without saving the Preference.
    2. Attributes tab:

      The Attributes tab is used to select which record attributes will be displayed in the Preference.

      On the Attributes tab, set the values as desired. The configuration options are:

      1. Repository dropdown menu: (Required) Lists the names of the repositories the Preference can access to retrieve attributes to display. The value of the Repository field defaults to the name of the active repository (the repository the Preference is being created for). The Repository dropdown menu will only show linked repositories that are parents of the active repository.
      2. Attribute Filter: (optional) Filters the Available Attributes list so that it only displays attributes whose names contain the text specified in the Attribute Filter.
      3. Beneath the Attribute Filter field is the Available Attributes list. It displays the attributes of the repository selected in the Repository dropdown menu, arranged in their Attribute Tabs. These are the attributes that can be included in the preference.

        Click the > next to an Attribute Tab to expand it. Click the < to collapse it.

        To display language variants of a multi-language attribute, click the > next to the attribute. The language variants will be listed below the attribute. If you include the root attribute in the Preference, EnterWorks will display the session language's variant. For example, if the you are logged in using Spanish, you will see the Spanish value. If you then log in using French, you will see the French value. To include particular language variants, expand the root attribute and select the language variants to include. For example, if you select the Japanese variant, the attribute's Japanese values will be shown no matter which language you are logged in with.

        The attributes listed in the Available Attributes list include an attribute group titled (STATE). The State attribute group contains system attributes that describe the state of the record. The Preference treats these attributes like any other attributes. They may be added to Current Columns field.

      4. Current Columns: (required) The list of attributes that will be displayed as columns in the Preference. The display order of the columns is determined by the positions of the attributes in the Current Column list. The first attribute will be the first column, the second attribute will be the second column, and so on.
      5. Attributes can be selected individually or as a group (shift-select the desired attributes). Attribute Groups and Tabs can also be selected and added; all their component attributes will be added to the Current Columns field.
      6. To add an attribute in the Available Attributes list to the Current Columns list, select the attribute and click the Right Arrow icon Right arrow The attribute will be added to Current Columns.
      7. To remove an attribute from Current Columns, select the attribute from Current Columns and click the Left Arrow icon . The attribute will be removed from Current Columns.
      8. To change an attribute's display order, select the attribute in Current Columns and use the Up-Arrow icon to move the attribute earlier in the display order or use the Down Arrow icon to move the attribute later in the display order.
      9. Note that attributes may be provided in multiple languages. When adding a multi-language attribute to Current Columns, select the desired language variant of the attribute. For more information, see Multi-language.
      10. Select Next to switch to the Link Relation tab or select Cancel to exit without saving the Preference.
    3. Sort tab:

      The Sort tab is used to select which attribute columns will be sortable.

      1. The Sort Available list contains all the attribute columns that are available to be sorted. The Sort Selected list contains all the attribute columns that will be sortable. Use the button and the button to move attributes from one list to the other.
      2. Click Next to move to the Link Relation tab.
    4. Link Relation tab:

      The Link Relation tab is used to select which Linked Repositories will be displayed when a record is being edited.

      Edit the Link Relation tab's configuration options as desired.

      1. Preview Link Table: When a repository is listed in Gallery View, the preview shows basic information about the record. If there are linked records in a child repository that should be displayed in that preview, that link relationship needs to be specified here.
      2. The Available Linked Groups list contains the Linked Relationship Groups in the repository (linked repositories) that are available to be displayed in the Preference.
      3. The Selected Linked Groups list contains the Linked Relationship Groups in the repository (linked repositories) that will be displayed in the Preference.
      4. If a Linked Table is to be displayed in the Record Preview, select the desired Linked Table from the Preview Linked Table dropdown. When the repository is viewed in a Repository View using Gallery View, this table will show up in the Record Preview. Linked Groups can be selected individually or as a group (shift-select the desired Linked Groups).
      5. To add a Linked Group to Selected Linked Groups, select the desired Linked Group from the Available Linked Groups list and click the Right Arrow icon . The Linked Group is added to Selected Linked Groups.
      6. To remove a Linked Group from Selected Linked Groups, select the Linked Group from Selected Linked Groups and click the Left Arrow icon . The attribute is removed from Selected Linked Groups.
      7. Select Apply to save and create the Preference or select Cancel to exit without adding the Preference.