Export Records using a JSON or XML Template - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks™ software
Product name
Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
First publish date
Note: To export saved sets or saved searches, used a scheduled export.

To export one or more records from a repository using a JSON or XML export template:

  1. Open the desired repository in a Repository View. To do so, open the Feature sidebar, select the desired folder, and select the desired repository.
  2. Select the desired record or records in the Repository View. The user may select records individually or may use Saved Sets, Filters or Search to select the records. A Preference can be defined and enabled to select the attribute values to be included in the export.
  3. Click the More icon on the Repository View's activity bar and select Export. The Export Configuration Step 1 window will appear.
  4. Export Configuration Step 1:
    1. Select Export Type: Check Defined Template.
    2. Select Defined Template: select the template to use.
    3. Use Advanced Options: If you want to set advanced export configuration options, check Use Advanced Options.
  5. Click Next.
  6. If you did not select Use Advanced Options, the export will be started and the Step 3: Export Job Status window will appear.
  7. If you checked Use Advanced Options, the Step 2: Export Advanced Options window will appear.
  8. Step 2: Export Advance Options:

    Edit the advanced options as desired:
    • File Name: Enter the name of the Export file to be generated.
    • Description: (Optional) A description of the Export.
    • Template: The name of the selected template will be automatically entered into this field. The field cannot be edited.
    • Publication Plan:
    • Publication as of Date : (Optional) If the Effective Date option is used, EnterWorks examines any Pending Events that relate to the selected records to determine what the records values would be upon that date. It then exports these future record values.
    • Print Hierarchy: The hierarchy to use to export the records.
    • File Encoding: Specify the file encoding method to be used.
    • Transmit: Select a Transmission Option to select a transmission configuration and upon generation of the Export file, transmit it.
    • Language: You can choose one or more languages for the export. For each language you choose, EnterWorks will export that language's variant of the attributes included in the export.
    • Output Format Language: The output language is the language that will be used for the repository and attribute names in the DATA section. If you do not select an Output Format Language, the session language will be used as the output language.

      The names of template columns that do not have a Column Alias and the names of State columns will be the attribute's name written in the Output Format Language.

      Tags, (such as lang, content, and dataModel) will always be in the default language (English). The contents of the dataModel section will always be in the default language.

    • Include Image Attributes: To export images attributes, check Include Image Attributes. Select the Image Type and Image Context of the images you want to export.
    • Create Image Package: To export images to a .zip file, check Create Image Package.
    • Also Create Table for Output:
  9. When the advanced options have been edited as desired, click Next to continue to Step 3: Export Job Status.
  10. Step 3: Export Job Status

    An Export job will be created and placed in the Job Queue.

    To view the job's progress, open the Job Monitor from the Features Sidebar's System tab or open a Job Monitor widget in the Dashboard.

    The Exported record files will be prepared and made available for download and transmission. Upon completion, an Export Job Completed message will appear in the Export Configuration's Step 3 window.

    You can download the files created by the Export procedure by clicking the buttons below the Job Completion Status message:

    • Download Log File: Download the Export Job Log file. It contains status about the contents of the Export Job, the date and time the Export Job was run, completion status, and the number of records processed and exported.
    • Error Log File: A log of any errors encountered while generating the Export file. The types of errors tracked are related to the success of the generation of the file, not the validity of the record attributes.
    • Download Export File: The Export file generated by the Export Job.

    You can also download the generated files through the Job Monitor widget or tab.