Appendix: Web Service SOAP APIs - Precisely_EnterWorks - EnterWorks - 11.0

EnterWorks Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Guide
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Note: The Web Service SOAP APIs are being deprecated. The content in this section of the help represents the EnterWorks architecture prior to the introduction of the New UI.

The EnterWorks architecture is based on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform, which uses J2EE platform technologies such as Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), Java Servlets, and Java Messaging Service (JMS). Any custom applications developed for EnterWorks must be written in Java, but do not necessarily require knowledge of the J2EE technologies employed by EnterWorks. The EnterWorks public APIs available to custom applications are written entirely in Java and do not require JMS programming skills or knowledge of EJBs or Java Servlets. These Java APIs contain libraries of compiled codes that can be used in EnterWorks.

The EnterWorks Web Service SOAP API is defined in the WSDL (Web Service Description Language) file: pim.wsdl. The EnterWorks installer bundles the necessary java class files during the installation, so there is no need to re-generate the Java client from the WSDL file. See How to Use the SOAP Services API for details on how to use the pre-bundled Java classes. Non-Java applications can use the WSDL file as the basis for generating their corresponding client access commands in their native languages.

The core interface in the EnterWorks Web Services API is called Server. Others are simply supporting data types that are either used to support the SOAP protocol or as information holders.

The supporting data types are as follows:

  • AttrCodeSetMapping

  • AttrData

  • Attribute

  • CodeSet

  • CodeSetDetail

  • EJBServer

  • EnableTreeNode

  • Group

  • Item

  • ItemHistory

  • ItemHistoryDiff

  • ItemList

  • ItemState

  • KeyValuePair

  • Media

  • MediaGroup

  • MediaReference

  • Package-frame

  • Package-summary

  • Package-tree

  • Repository

  • RepositoryGroup

  • RepositoryViewMapping

  • SearchCondition

  • Server

  • ServerSoapBindingImpl

  • Session

  • Subscription

  • TextSearchConfig

  • TextSearchConfigAttr

  • TradingPartner

  • TransactionStatus

  • UserPreference


The EnterWorks SOAP APIs are divided into three major functional groups:

Metadata Retrieval

  • createSubscription - Creates a subscription in the server by a given Subscription object.

  • deleteSubscription - Deletes a subscription object from the database.

  • exportRepository - Performs an export for a particular repository based on specified userpreference.

  • getCodeSet - Retrieves the metadata information for the code set.

  • getCodeSetList - Retrieves a list of code sets the user can access.

  • getCodeSetDetail - Retrieves the code set detail including code, code description, parent code, and other information.

  • getLowerLevelCodeSetDetail - Retrieves the lower level code set detail for a particular code set and a code.

  • getCustomerList - Retrieves a list of customers. The return list construction is based on the user's access rights.

  • getCustomerListBySupplierGLN - Retrieves a list of customers for a particular supplier.

  • getSupplierList - Retrieves a list of suppliers. The return list construction is based on the user's access rights.

  • getGroupList - Retrieves the list of groups to which the current user belongs.

  • getRepositoryByName - Retrieves the repository by name.

  • getRepositoryList - Retrieves the list of repositories the current user can access.

  • getRepositoryAttributeList – Retrieves the attribute list for a particular repository.

  • getUserPreferenceList - Retrieves the user preferences the current user can access.

  • getUserPreferenceAttributeList - Retrieve attributes for a particular user preference.

  • getJobStatus - Retrieves the job status.

  • getCodeSetDetailByCode - Retrieves the code set detail including code, code description and parent code.

  • getCodeSetDetailByName - Retrieves the code set detail including code, code description and parent code.

  • getAttrCodeSetMapping – Retrieves the attribute and code set mapping for a particular repository.

  • getCustomerList - Retrieves a list of customers.

  • getCustomerListBySupplierGLN - Retrieves a list of customers for a particular supplier.

  • getEnableTree - Retrieves enAble tree nodes.

  • getItemHistory - Returns a single ItemHistory object based on its itemHistoryId (obtained from getRepositoryItemHistoryList()).

  • getItemHistoryAttrDiffList - Returns a list of ItemHistoryDiff objects for two ItemHistory objects.

  • getItemHistoryList - Returns an array of ItemHistory objects for the specified repositoryId and itemId based on the date and userLogin search parameters.

  • getLowerLevelCodeSetDetailByName - Retrieves the lower level code set detail for a particular code set and a code.

  • getMediaContent - Retrieves media content for a particular media object identified by media ID.

  • getMediaGroupList – Retrieves Media Groups.

  • getMediaReferenceList - Retrieves references for a particular media object identified by media ID.

  • getRepositoryGroupList - Retrieves the repository group list.

  • getRepositoryListByGroupName - Retrieves a list of repository objects for a particular repository group.

  • getSubscriptionList - Retrieves an array of Subscription objects.

  • getSupplierList - Retrieves a list of suppliers.

  • getTextSearchConfigList - Retrieves a list of TextSearchConfig objects for a particular repository.

  • getUserList - Retrieves the list of users the current user has access to view.

  • getUserPreferenceByName - Retrieves user preferences by name.

  • getViewMappingList - Retrieves an array of RepositoryViewMapping objects for a repository.

  • subscribeSubscription - To subscribe to a specific subscription.

  • searchCodeSetDetail - Search the codeSet detail using a search string and search method and return an array of CodeSetDetail Objects.

  • setDataPoolSyncOutStatus - Update the sync out history status based on the message data pool response message identifier.

  • setDataPoolSyncOutStatusByFile - Update sync out history status based on data pool response message file name.

  • syncInRepository - Performs a sync in operation for a particular repository.

  • unsubscribeSubscription - Removes the subscription.

  • updateSubscription - Updates a subscription object with the given Subscription object.

  • updateSubscriptionState - Updates the subscription state of a given subscription object.

  • validateRepositoryOption - Perform validation for a particular repository with specified optionCode.

Repository/Item Management

  • abortJob - Stops a job with the given jobId.

  • createMedia - Creates the media object.

  • createMediaByURL - Creates the media object using URL.

  • deleteItem - Deletes a particular item.

  • deleteMedia - Deletes a media object identified by media ID.getItem.

  • getItemState - Retrieves the item state.

  • createItem - Creates a new item for a particular master repository.

  • delistItem - Mark item delisted.

  • DeleteItem - Deletes a particular item.

  • updateItem - Updates the item data

  • updateItems - Updates items with search conditions.

  • searchItem - Performs item search based on the search conditions for a given repository.

  • searchItemByConfig - Performs item search based on their configurations.

  • searchItemByKeyword - Performs item search using keywords.

  • searchItemByRepository - Search items in a particular repository based on simple search conditions such as "AND" or "OR" joined.

  • searchItemByUserPreference - Search items for a particular user preference.

  • searchMedia - Performs media object search.

  • setItemState - Updates the item state.

  • setDataPoolResponseStatus – Updates the item status based on data pool response message identifier.

  • setDataPoolReponseStatusByFile – Updates the item status based on data pool response message file name.

  • setDataPoolResponseStatusByPrimKey - Updates item status based on data pool response message primary key.

  • setDataPoolReponseStatusByTransaction - Updates the item status based on data pool response message identifier and transactions.

  • validateRepository - Performs validation for a particular repository.

  • syncOutRepository - Performs the sync out operation for a particular repository.

  • createCodeSetDetail - Creates a code set detail record for a particular code set.

  • deleteCodeSetDetail - Deletes a code detail record for a particular code set.

  • isValidParent - Interrogates the hasErrorInd of the parent item and all of its linked children with the given link relationship and return the results.

  • updateCodeSetDetail - Updates a code set detail record for a particular code set.

  • updateItemsByKeywordSearch - Updates items using a key word to perform a text search.

  • updateItemTriggerOption - Updates item data and status.

  • updateMedia - Updates the media object.

  • updateMediaByURL – Updates the media object by URL.

  • updateMediaContent - Updates media content only without the associated meta data.

  • updateMediaContentByURL - Updates media content only, without the associated metadata, using content URL.

  • updateMediaMetaData - Updates the media metadata only and not the content.

  • getParentRepositoryLinkList - Retrieves an array of RepositoryLink objects for a parent repository.

  • getChildRepositoryLinkList - Retrieves an array of RepositoryLink objects for a child repository.


  • Login - Logs into the server to obtain a valid session.

  • Logout - Logs out from the server and stops the user session.

  • ChangeUserPassword - Changes the password for the login user.

  • loginByGID - Logs into EnterWorks server using global ID.

The method by which these available web service functions can be invoked is provided in the EnterWorks Integrated Web Services Javadoc, which includes the necessary documentation for EnterWorks Web Services. The Web Services Javadoc is the generated zip file containing the API documentation of EnterWorks' automated resources accessed via the internet. It is extracted from the comments in the Java source code and made available in HTML format.

For more information about Java Web Services methods and calls, particularly metadata retrieval, repository/item management, and tools, refer to the Enable Web Services Javadoc in the file:
