MIMIX can detect and correct the most common object error situations that occur during replication. When the Automatic object recovery policy is enabled and object replication processes detect an error listed in the following table, MIMIX automatically attempts to correct the error by starting a job to perform an appropriate recovery action.
Unless the object is explicitly excluded from replication for a data group, the automatic recovery action will synchronize the object to ensure that it is on the target system.
Files and objects that are cooperatively processed. Although the files and objects are not addressed, problems with authorities for cooperatively processed files and objects are addressed.
Activity entries that are “stuck” in a perpetual pending status (PR, PS, PA, or PB).
Activity entries for a replicated system setting or system value.
Only when all recovery options are exhausted without success is an activity entry placed in error status. Recovery actions that end in an error do not generate a separate error notification because the error is already reflected in MIMIX status.
Error |
Description |
Missing objects on target system1 |
An object (library-based, IFS, or DLO) or spooled file exists on the source system and is within the name space for replication, but MIMIX detects that the object does not exist on the target system. Without object automatic recovery, this results in a failed activity entry. Note: Missing objects that are configured for cooperative processing are not synchronized. However,
any problems with authorities (*AUTL or *USRPRF) for the missing
objects are addressed.
Missing parent objects on target system1 |
Any operation against an object whose parent object is missing on the target system. Without object automatic recovery, this condition results in a failed activity entry due to the missing parent object. |
Missing *USRPRF objects on target system1 |
Any operation that requires a user profile object (*USRPRF) that does not exist on the target system. Without object automatic recovery, this results in authority or object owner issues that cause replication errors. |
Missing *AUTL objects on target system1 |
Any operation that requires a authority list (*AUTL) that does not exist on the target system.Without object automatic recovery, this results in authority issues that cause replication errors. |
In-use condition |
Applications which hold persistent locks on objects can result in object replication errors if the configured values for delay/retry intervals are exceeded. Default values in the data group definition provide approximately 15 minutes during which MIMIX attempts to access the object for replication. If the object cannot be accessed during this time, the result is activity entries with errors of Failed Retrieve (for locked objects on the source system) and Failed Apply (for locked objects on the target system) and a reason code of *INUSE. Notes: