Replication errors handled by automatic database recovery - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
First publish date

MIMIX can detect and correct the most common file error situations that occur during database replication. When the Automatic database recovery policy is enabled and database replication processes detect an error listed in the following table, a recovery action is submitted. MIMIX periodically checks for and processes any recovery actions. The file entry or tracking entry associated with the file or object in which the error was detected is only placed in hold error (*HLDERR) status when the recovery action fails or cannot be performed. Recovery actions that end in an error do not generate a separate error notification because the error is already reflected in MIMIX status.

Table 1. Database replication errors detected and corrected when automatic database recovery is enabled.



File level errors

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Unique-key record level error

Typically invoked when there is a missing library, file, or member. Also invoked when an attempt to write a record to a file results in a unique key violation. Without database automatic recovery, these conditions result in the file being placed in *HLDERR status.

Record level errors

Invoked when the database apply process detects a data-level issue while processing record-level transactions.

Without database automatic recovery, any configured collision resolution methods may attempt to correct the error. Otherwise, these conditions result in the file being placed in *HLDERR status.

Errors on IFS objects configured for user journal replication

Invoked during the priming of IFS tracking entries when replicated IFS objects are determined to be missing from the target system. Priming of tracking entries occurs when a data group is started after a configuration change or when Deploy Data Grp. Configuration (DPYDGCFG) is invoked.

Errors on data area and data queue objects configured for user journal replication

Invoked during the priming of object tracking entries when replicated data area and data queue objects are determined to be missing from the target system. Priming of tracking entries occurs when a data group is started after a configuration change or when the Deploy Data Grp. Configuration (DPYDGCFG) is invoked.

Errors when DBAPY cannot open the file or apply transactions to the file

Invoked when a temporary lock condition or an operating system condition exists that prevents the database apply process (DBAPY) from opening the file or applying transactions to the file. Without database automatic recovery, users typically have to release the file so the database apply process (DBAPY) can continue without error.