Starting selected data group processes - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
First publish date

This procedure can be used to do any of the following:

  • Start all or selected processes for a data group, or start a specific database apply process

  • Specify a starting point for journal receivers when starting a data group

  • Clear pending and error entries when starting a data group

Data groups that are in an application group: The preferred method of starting data groups that are part of an application group is to use the Start Application Group (STRAG) command. The default behavior of the STRDG command helps to enforce this best practice when necessary by not allowing the command to run when the data group is participating in a resource group with three or more nodes. (A data resource group provides the association between one or more data groups and an application group.) The STRDG request will run when the data group is participating in a resource group with two nodes. You can also change the value specified for Override if in data rsc. group (DTACRG) parameter to allow a data group to be started even if it is part of a resource group.

In application group environments with three or more nodes, it is particularly important to treat all members of an application group as one entity. For example, a configuration change that is made effective by starting and ending a single data group would not be propagated to the other data groups in the same resource group. However, the same change would be propagated to the other data groups if it is made effective by ending and starting the parent application group.

When to clear pending entries and entries in error: The following table identifies when it is necessary to clear pending entries for apply processes and clear logs of entries indicating files in error to establish a new synchronization point when starting a data group. The reason for starting the data group determines whether you need to clear only pending entries for transactions waiting to be applied, clear only errors, or both.

Before clearing pending entries, determine if there are any file entries on hold. These are the transactions that will be lost by clearing pending entries.

When clearing pending entries, most environments can accept the default value for the System for DB file relations prompt. If necessary, you can specify a value when directed to by your MIMIX administrator.

Table 1. When to clear pending entries and entries in error when starting a data group

If starting the data group in any of these conditions:

Specify these values on the STRDG command:

After enabling a previously disabled data group.

Clear pending entries.

Specify *YES for the Clear pending prompt

After converting the resource group in which the data group participates to use multithreaded database apply processing or converting the configuration from multithreaded to use single-threaded processing.

After changing the numeric value specified for the Number of DB apply sessions (NBRDBAPY) parameter on the data group definition.

Note: This scenario applies only to data groups that are configured for single-threaded database apply processing.

After changing the value specified for the Target constraint management element of the Database apply processing (DBAPYPRC) parameter on the data group definition from *YES to *NO.

Note: This scenario applies only to data groups that existed and specified the value *YES prior to upgrading to MIMIX version 9.0 and have never been converted from single-threaded to multithreaded database apply processing.

After synchronizing database files and objects between two systems.

Note: This assumes that you have synchronized the objects and database files and have changed the journal receivers using TYPE(*ALL) on the CHGDGRCV command.

Clear pending entries and entries in error.

  • Specify *YES for the Clear pending prompt
  • Specify *CLRPND or *YES for the Clear error prompt

After switching the direction of the data group, when starting replication on the system that now becomes the source system.

For additional information about the STRDG command, refer to the following topics:

To start a data group, do the following:

  1. From the Work with Data Groups display, type a 9 (Start DG) next to the data group that you want to start and press Enter.

    The Start Data Group (STRDG) display appears.

  2. At the Start processes prompt, specify the value for the processes you want to start. If you are starting the data group for the first time specify *ALL. To see a list of values, press F4 (Prompt).

  3. Press Enter.

  4. Additional prompts appear. For most situations, you should accept the default values. If necessary, specify the following:

    • At the Database journal receiver and Database large sequence number prompts, identify where the database reader and apply processes begin.

    • At the Object journal receiver and Object large sequence number prompts, identify where the object send and apply processes begin.

    • If you are starting the data group for any of the reasons listed in When to clear pending entries and entries in error when starting a data group, specify the indicated values for that reason in the Clear pending and Clear error prompts.

    • If you are submitting this command for batch processing, you should specify *NO for the Show confirmation screen prompt.

  5. To start the data group, press Enter.