What occurs when a data group is started - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
First publish date

The Start Data Group (STRDG) command will start the replication processes for the specified data group.

The STRDG command can be used interactively or programatically. Default values for the command are used when it is invoked by the STRMMX command or by the STRAG command running the default START procedure.

When a STRDG request is processed, MIMIX may take a few minutes while it does the following for each specified data group:

  • Determines whether the RJ links for replication and system managers processes are active and whether all required system managers and journal managers on each system are started. If necessary, the managers and the remote journal functions defined by the RJ links are started.

  • Determines the starting point for replication (database, object, or both, as configured).

  • Locates the starting point in the appropriate journal receiver. This will be the starting point for send processes.

  • If necessary, changes the object audit level of existing objects identified for replication. This occurs when starting following a switch or a configuration change to any data group object, IFS, or DLO entry. This ensures that all replicated objects identified by all entries of each entry type are set with an object audit level suitable for replication. The processing order for data group entries can affect the auditing value of IFS objects. For examples and for information about manually specifying the audit level of objects, see the Assure MIMIX Administrator Referencebook.

  • Submits the appropriate start requests for the processes specified on the start request.

  • Makes configuration changes for the data group become effective. If a configuration change affects the set of objects to be replicated, the start request also automatically deploys the configuration changes to an internal list used by other functions. This may cause the start request to take longer.

  • If there are pending configuration entries that specified *YES for Synchronize on start (SYNCONSTR) which added objects into the replication name space, requests to synchronize those objects are submitted to the replication manager for processing.

  • Initiates a capture request for any system settings and system values configured for replication.

  • Attempts to recover any existing access path maintenance errors for the data group, if the Access path maintenance (APMNT) policy is enabled.

  • If specified on the start request, clears all pending entries for apply processes and clears all error entries identified in replication processing for the data group. There are times when it is necessary to clear pending entries, error entries, or both, to establish a new synchronization point for the data group.

Starting a data group may take longer if the remote journal function is operating in catchup mode.

If a data group is participating in a virtual switch when you initiate a start data group request, the data group’s apply processes will not be started. The apply processes remain ended and will only be started by the virtual switch procedure during its recovery phase.