The initial view displayed is the merged view. This view summarizes status for the replication paths configured for the data group. The status of each process is represented by the color of the box surrounding the process and a status letter. Table 25 shows possible status values.
The following figure shows a sample of the merged view of the Data Group Status display. The data group in this view is configured for user journal replication using remote journaling and for system journal replication. The data group is part of a resource group and is configured for multithreaded database apply processing.
Figure 14.Merged view of data group status. The inverse highlighted blocks are not shown in this example.
Color andStatus |
Description |
Red |
When displayed on the Data group, Database errors, or Objects in error fields, a problem exists that requires action. |
Red - I |
The process is inactive. |
Red - W |
The process is suspended at a recovery point. This status is only available for apply processes. |
Yellow |
When displayed on the Data group field, a problem exists that may require attention. |
Yellow - P |
One or more of the processes is active but others are inactive. On the merged view, this status is possible for the Object Send field. When displayed for the journal manager field, the percent of storage used by the system ASP (ASP 1) exceeds a threshold warning policy indicating that either extra journal receivers exist which are eligible to be deleted or file member data recoveries are delayed while other recoveries are active. Both possible threshold exceeded scenarios can be reflected in journal manager status in the Source Statistics section of the Merged View, in Object Views 1 and 2, and in Database Views 1 and 2. The journal manager status in the Target Statistics section of the Merged view reflects only that the threshold for receivers eligible to delete has been exceeded |
Yellow - V |
The process is ended for a virtual switch. This status is available only for apply processes and access path maintenance. |
Turquoise - T |
The process has a backlog which exceeds its configured threshold. On fields which summarize status for multiple processes, use F7 and F8 to view the specific threshold. The -T is not shown in statistical fields. If a threshold condition persists over time, refer to the Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference book for information about possible resolutions. |
White - U |
The status of the process is unknown. |
Blue - A |
The process is active. |
Blue - C |
The RJ Link is in catch-up mode.This status is only possible for the Database Link process in the merged view and the RJ link field in some database views. |
Green - D |
The data group is disabled. This also means the data group is currently inactive. |
Top left corner: The top left corner of the Data Group Status display identifies the data group, the elapsed time, and the status of the transfer definition in use. The elapsed time is the amount of time that has elapsed since you accessed this display or used the F10 (Restart statistics) key.
Top right corner: The top right corner of the display contains fields that identify the number of errors that MIMIX identified but could not correct as well as the files and objects with detected problems that MIMIX is currently attempting or will attempt to automatically correct. If the workstation supports colors, the number files and objects in error will be displayed in red.
The Database errors/rcy. fields. The first value identifies replication errors associated with user journal replication processes. This is the sum of the number of database files, *IFS objects, *DTAARA, and *DTAQ objects that currently have a status of *HLDERR or a recovery status of *FAILED, When access path maintenance is enabled, this also includes the number of logical and physical files that have access path maintenance failures for the data group. The second value identifies the number of new and in-progress recoveries that exist for objects replicated through user journals.
The Object in error/active fields indicate the number of objects that are failed and the number of objects with pending activity entries. The first number in these fields indicates the number of objects defined to the data group that have a status of *FAILED. The second number indicates the number of objects with active (pending) activity entries or that have new or in-progress recoveries.
The State field identifies the state of the remote journal link. The values for the state field are the same as those which appear on the Work with RJ Links display. This field is not shown if the data group uses source-send processes for user journal replication.
More detailed breakouts of error and recovery counts are available on the object views (F7) and Database views (F8). When you use the MIMIX portal application in the Assure Unified Interface, you can see the actual objects affected and details about the recovery actions by using the Correction Activity action from the Data Groups portlet.
Source statistics:
The middle of the display shows status and summarized statistics for the journals being used for replication and the processes that read from them. The following process fields are possible:
System - Identifies the current source system definition. The status value is an indication of the success in communicating with that system.
Jrn Mgr - Displays the status of the journal manager process for the source system.
RJLNK Mon - Displays status of the RJLNK monitor on the source system. This field is present only for data groups that use remote journaling.
Database (Link or Send) - Identifies the status of the process which transfers user journal entries from the source system to the target system.
- Link - Displayed when the data group is configured for remote journaling. The status is that of the of the RJ link.
- Send -Displayed when the data group id configured for MIMIX source-send processes. The status is that of the database send process.
Object Send - Displays a summation of status from the object send, object retrieve, and container send processes. The highest priority status from each process determines the status displayed. Use F7 (Object view) to see the individual processes. When the data group uses a shared object send job, either the value *SHARED or a three-character job prefix is displayed below the Send process status, The value *SHARED indicates that the data group uses the MIMIX generated shared object send prefix for this source system. A three-character prefix indicates this data group uses a shared object send job on this system that is shared only with other data groups which specify the same prefix.
For the Database and Object processes, additional fields identify current journal information, the last entry that has been read by the process, and statistics related to arrival rate, entries not read, and estimating the time to read.
Current - For the Database Send and Object Send processes, this identifies
the last entry in the currently attached journal receiver. This information is used
to show the arrival rate of entries to the journals.Note: If the data group uses remote journaling, current information is displayed in two rows, Source jrn and RJ tgt jrn. The source journal sequence number refers to the last sequence number in the local journal on the source system. The remote journaling target journal sequence number refers to the last sequence number in the associated remote journal on the target system.
Transactions per hour - For current journal information, this is based on the number of entries to arrive on the journal over the elapsed time the statistics have been gathered. For last read information, this is based on the actual number of entries that have been read over the elapsed time the statistics have been gathered.
Last Read - Identifies the journal entry that was last read and processed by the object send, database send, or database reader.
Transactions per hour - For current journal fields, this is based on the number of entries to arrive on the journal over the elapsed time the statistics have been gathered. For last read fields, this is based on the actual number of entries that have been read over the elapsed time the statistics have been gathered and will change due to elapsed time and the rate at which entries arrive in the journal.
Entries not read - This a calculation of the number of journal entries between the last read sequence number and the sequence number of the last entry in the current receiver for the source journal. An asterisk (*) preceding this field indicates that the journal receiver sequence numbers have been reset between the last entry in the current receiver and the last read entry.
Estimated time to read - This is a calculation using the entries not read and the transactions per hour rate. This calculation is intended to provide an estimate of the length of time it may take the process (database reader, database send, or object send) to complete reading the journal entries.
Target statistics:
The lower part of the display shows status and summarized statistics for all target system processing. The following process fields are possible:
System - Identifies the current target system definition. The status value is an indication of the success in communicating with that system.
Jrn Mgr - Displays the status of the journal manager process for the target system.
DB Rdr - Displays status of the database reader. This field is present only for data groups that use remote journaling.
DBAPYT - Displays the status of the threaded job (sdn_DBAPYT). This field is only present when the data group uses multithreaded database apply processing. Multithreading and access path maintenance cannot be used in the same data group.
AP Maint - Displays status of the access path maintenance processes. This field is only present when optimized access path maintenance has been enabled and the data group is not configured for multithreaded database apply processing.
RJLNK Mon - Displays status of the RJLNK monitor on the target system. This field is present only for data groups that use remote journaling.
Sys Jrn Insp - Displays the status of target journal inspection for the system journal (QAUDJRN) on the target system of the data group. This field is displayed when the journal definition for the system journal on the current target system permits target journal inspection and the data group is enabled and has been started at least once.
User Jrn Insp - Displays the status of target journal inspection for the user journal on the target system of the data group. This field is displayed when the journal definition for the user journal on the current target system permits target journal inspection and the data group is enabled, performs user journal replication, permits journaling on target, and has been started at least once.
DB Apply and Obj Apply - Each field displays the combined status for the apply jobs in use by the process. For each process, additional fields show statistics for the last received journal sequence number, number of unprocessed entries, approximate number of transactions per hour being processed, and the approximate amount of time needed to apply the unprocessed transactions for all database or object apply sessions.