Checklist: Converting to legacy cooperative processing - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
First publish date

Newly created data groups and data group entries that were created with shipped default values automatically use default cooperative processing for logical and physical files, as well as multithreaded database apply processing.

If you find that you cannot use default cooperative processing for files, a two-phase conversion may be necessary to convert to the older, legacy cooperative processing support.

  • For data groups that use multithreading, you must first convert the data group to use single-threaded database processing. Only data groups that use single-threading can be converted to use legacy cooperative processing. For details, see Checklist: Converting to single-threading.

  • Data groups that use single-threading can use this checklist to change the configuration so that physical data files can be processed using legacy cooperative processing. Logical files and physical source files will be processed using the system journal. For more information, see Requirements and limitations of legacy cooperative processing.

Important! Before you use this checklist, consider the following:

  • Legacy cooperative processing is not supported in data groups that use multithreading. A data group that uses multithreading must be converted to use single-threaded database apply processing before using this checklist.

  • This checklist does not convert user journal replication processes from using remote journaling to MIMIX source-send processing.

  • This checklist only affects the configuration of *FILE objects. The configuration of any other *DTAARA, *DTAQ, or IFS objects that are replicated through the user journal are not affected.

Perform the following steps to enable legacy cooperative processing and system journal replication:

  1. Verify that data group is synchronized by running the MIMIX audits. See Verifying the initial synchronization.

  2. Use the Work with Data Groups display to ensure that there are no files on hold and no failed or delayed activity entries. Refer to topic “Preparing for a controlled end of a data group” in the Assure MIMIX Operations book.

    Note: Topic “Ending a data group in a controlled manner” in the Assure MIMIX Operations book includes subtask “Preparing for a controlled end of a data group” and the subtask needed for Step 3.
  3. End the data group you are converting by performing a controlled end. Follow the procedure for “Performing the controlled end” in the Assure MIMIX Operations book.

  4. From the management system, change the data group definition so that the Cooperative journal (COOPJRN) parameter specifies *SYSJRN. Use the command:

              CHGDGDFN DGDFN(
              name system1 system2
              ) COOPJRN(*SYSJRN) 
  5. Save the data group file entries to an outfile. Use the command:

  6. From the management system, use the following command to load the data group file entries from the target system. Ensure that the value you specify (*SYS1 or *SYS2) for the LODSYS parameter identifies the target system.

              LODDGFE DGDFN(
              name system1 system2
              ) SELECT(*NO) 

    For additional information about loading file entries, see Loading file entries from a data group’s object entries.

  7. Examine the data group file entries with those saved in the outfile created in Step 5. Any differences need to be manually updated.

  8. If you replicate journaled *DTAARA or *DTAQ objects with this data group, skip to Step 10.

  9. Optional step: This step prevents journaling from starting on new files, which may not be desired because the journal image (JRNIMG) value for these files may be different than the value specified in the MIMIX configuration. Such a difference will be detected by the file attributes (#FILATR) audit.

    For the libraries that you want to prevent journaling from starting on new files, end library journaling using the command:

    ENDJRNLIB LIB(library)
  10. Start the data group specifying the command as follows:
    STRDG DGDFN(name system1 system2) CRLPND(*YES)