System - Data360_DQ+ - Latest

Data360 DQ+ Help

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Data360 DQ+
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Data360 DQ+
Data360 DQ+ Help
First publish date
Note: To view the System tab when editing Data Views, you must be an Administrator or have Administer permission to a Data View.

From the System tab, you have the option to override the default execution settings that are used when the Data View is executed by using one or more of the following properties:

  • Execution Profile - Select a predefined execution profile to inherit the execution settings from a profile that has been created on your environment by an administrator.
  • Overriding Execution Sizing - Select this option to edit execution settings on the selected Data View. The options that are available, and the default values, will vary according to the selected Cluster Type.
    • Dedicated Cluster - These are on-demand temporary clusters created for each job and terminates after the job completes. The bootstrap time for these cluster/ jobs are largely constant, around 10 minutes on AWS, which is largely dictated by AWS resource provisioning and initialization time. It does not change much with data volume, as your data volume goes up, its percentage shrinks.
    • Shared Cluster - This is pre-provisioned/always on cluster that accepts multiple jobs, with limited auto scaling capacity, jobs maybe queued when capacity is full with running jobs. because its pre-provisioned, the bootstrap time for shared is typically much shorter than dedicated, say 2 minutes, but can vary a great deal due to queuing when many jobs are running.
  • Execution Property - Select this option, then click the Add button, to create new execution properties.

You may want to use a combination of the above settings. For example, an Execution Profile may include execution sizing configuration that you want to inherit on your Data View, but you may want to also add a new execution property for this specific Data View. Or, you could choose to override the execution sizing settings of the Execution Profile, while inheriting the execution properties defined on the profile.

Note: If you promote or import a Data View that references an Execution Profile, the system will automatically create an empty profile with the same name on the target Environment, if it does not already exist. An administrator will then need to configure the details of the Execution Profile on the target environment to enable the successful execution of the associated Data View.

If you are an Administrator and want help with creating and editing Execution Profiles, see Environment execution profile. For further assistance with these settings, please contact Infogix Support.