Configure SSO settings - Data360_DQ+ - Latest

Data360 DQ+ Help

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Data360 DQ+
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Data360 DQ+
Data360 DQ+ Help
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You can configure SSO settings for Data360 DQ+ users as follows:

  1. From the menu at the top of the screen, select Admin > Users.
  2. Click Settings in the toolbar at the top of the Admin > Users page. The Users Settings dialog is displayed.
  3. If your organization uses enterprise SSO login, you can select Automatically claim users logged in through Enterprise SSO to automatically claim new users. Selecting this option saves you having to manually claim each new user that is added to the system.

Mapping enterprise SSO groups

To map existing groups from your organization's network to Data360 DQ+ groups:

  1. In Data360 DQ+, create a group with the same name as your existing enterprise group, see User groups.
  2. In the Users Settings dialog on the Admin > Users page, select the group in the Available Groups section, and click the right arrow to add the group to the Mapped Groups section. All users who are in the enterprise group who have user accounts will be added to the group automatically.
  3. You can remove a group by selecting it in the Mapped Groups section and clicking the left arrow.
Note: When mapping enterprise SSO groups, you have the option to map normal groups or admin groups. Mapping to an admin group should only be used when you have a group of admins from your external group that you would like to be treated as system admins within Data360 DQ+. In all other cases, mapping to normal groups should be used instead.


Note: Group mappings do not persist across sessions.

It is important to note that users are added to groups that have been mapped to external SSO groups on a per session basis to ensure that user group inclusion is always up to date. When a user logs in, Data360 DQ+ checks whether they are a member of any of the external SSO groups listed in Mapped Groups and adds them to the corresponding Data360 DQ+ groups. This means that these types of groups are not appropriate for product functionality that relies on background processing, which could occur when a user is not logged in to a session and therefore would not be part of a mapped group. This type of functionality exists throughout the system, for example, dashboard controls and email notification within process models.

Note: The UI will not prevent you from selecting groups that are subject to this limitation, so it is the responsibility of the administrator to make users aware of this constraint.