Configure schedule emails - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze
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Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Help
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Note: The availability of this feature depends on your user role and license. If you do not currently have access to the Automation Services functionality, and would like to upgrade, please visit to learn more about our product options.

If a scheduled data flow fails, you can configure the system to send an email to alert users of the failed run, see Scheduling follow-up runs.

In order for the emails to be successfully sent, an administrator user must perform the following configuration:

  1. Choose the data flow to execute when a run of a scheduled data flow fails:
    1. From the Directory, click Settings then select Scheduling.
    2. In the details panel, select the data flow that you want to use in the Email Notification Data Flow field. The Data360 Failed Schedule Email Notification is selected by default. This data flow sends an email notification to a list of email addresses configured on the schedule.
  2. If you have chosen the default Data360 Failed Schedule Email Notification data flow, then you will need to configure the SMTP connection settings, as follows:
    1. Open the Data360 Failed Schedule Email Notification data flow. The default Data360 Failed Schedule Email Notification data flow is located in the All Folders > Data360 Services folder. Only users with Administrator permissions can view the Data360 Services folder in the All Folders tab of the Directory.
    2. Select the Send Email node and configure the Connection properties:
      • In the SmtpServerName property, enter the name of an open SMTP server that is visible to the application server, for example
      • In the SmtpServerPort property, specify the port number used by the SMTP server. The default value is 25, or 465 where SSL encryption is used.
    3. You might want to customize the information in the MessageSubject and MessageBody properties, to provide additional context to the users who receive the email. These properties define the email subject and the actual text that is sent out in the email body. For example:

      This email is to inform you that the scheduled run of {{^Schedule_Data_Flow_Name^}} has failed. The {{^Schedule_Name^}} is located at {{^Schedule_Path^}}. Link to failed data flow: {{^URL_Link_To_Run^}}

Note: It is not recommended to edit the default run properties on the Data360 Failed Schedule Email Notification data flow. The values are populated when the data flow is run.

For more information on configuring the Send Email node, see Send Email.