Band By Strata - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze
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Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Help
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Given an increment value, assigns a band number to each value based upon distance, in number of increments, from zero.

An additional field is appended to each input row to identify that row's band.

Bands start at zero and are as wide as the Increment property. They are calculated in both directions from zero. Values that are zero are in a separate band. In other words, zero is its own band, then zero to increment, then increment to 2*increment, etc., plus -increment to zero, -2*increment to -increment, etc. In each case, the value that defines the band that is the closest to zero (i.e. has the lowest absolute value) is excluded from the band. Null values are put into a band with a null value.

Bands are numbered with integers in the BandFieldName field, starting at zero for zero values, then 1 for the first band above zero, 2 for the second, etc. For negative input values, the first band just below 0 is numbered -1, the second, -2, etc.An example might help clarify this explanation. If Increment is 5, then the first band is the 0 band. Only values of 0 are put in the zero band. Values from 0, exclusive, to 5, inclusive, are in band one. Band two contains all values from 5, exclusive, to 10, inclusive. Conversely, -5, inclusive, to 0, exclusive, is band -1 while -10, inclusive, to -5, exclusive, is band -2. All values that fit in these bands are marked with the appropriate band number.



Specify the values used to band the input data. This Python expression is evaluated against each input row and must evaluate to a single value that is either an integer, a double, or a long value.

This expression can convert data from one type to another. For example, it could convert two dates from two different fields into the number of days between those two dates using (in1.endDate - in1.startDate).days where in1.endDate and in1.startDate are fields of type date or datetime. A value is required for this property.


Specify a positive number that determines the width of the bands. If BandValueExpression is an integer or a long, then this value must also be an integral value. A value is required for this property.


Optionally specify the name of the field in which the band number is output. This value can be changed if you happen to have a field whose name is the same as this name or for any other purpose. The default value is "_Band".

Inputs and outputs

Inputs: in1.

Outputs: out1.