Pre-installation steps (Linux only) - Data360_Analyze - 3.16

Data360 Analyze Server Installation

Product type
Product family
Data360 Analyze
Product name
Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Installation
First publish date
Note: The following steps are only applicable if you are installing on Linux. When installing on Linux, it is recommended that you choose the /opt location for the installation directory. If you are installing Data360 Analyze on Windows Server, please see Downloading and installing Data360 Analyze.
  1. If you are using Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux), you will need an administrator to update the configuration to enable the product to be successfully licensed:

    Option 1 - Disable SELinux

    1. Configure SELINUX=disabled in the /etc/selinux/config file.
    2. Reboot your system. After reboot, confirm that the getenforce command returns Disabled.

    Option 2 - Add textrel_shlib_t

    An LM-X-enabled application must have textrel_shlib_t to run. If disabling SELinux is not an option, issue the following command to add textrel_shlib_t:

    semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t '/tmp/xf-dll/xf-.*\.tmp'

  2. Create a user to install Data360 Analyze (you can use any username). To create a user account as root execute the following command:/usr/sbin/adduser -m -d <users-directory> <user name>
    Note: Enterprise Data360 Analyze installations on Linux can run the core Data360 Analyze components (Web Application, Execution Server, and Database) as separate Linux OS users. These users are assigned stricter levels of file access resulting in a much more secure running environment. If you want to configure a multi-user installation, you can do this immediately after installation by following the steps in the upgrade and installation sections of this guide. In this case, it is recommended that you create all users in advance, as described in the next step. However, it is also possible to create users after installation as part of the multi-user setup. For more information, see step 7 in the Downloading and installing Data360 Analyze section.
  3. If you want to configure a multi-user installation, it is recommended that you create all users in advance. Create the following users:
    • An installer user, if you have not already created this user in the previous step (referred to as <myInstall>)
    • A Postgres database user (referred to as <myDba>)
    • A user for running the Data360 Analyze server (referred to as <myProc>)
      Note: If you plan to configure Data360 Analyze to run using Docker execution sandboxing, the <myProc> user must be a member of the docker group.
    • A user for running the Data360 Analyze web application (referred to as <myWeb>)
    • Any number of admin users who will login to the system, collect logs, change properties and undertake operating system admin operations for Data360 Analyze (referred to as <myAdmins>)
      Note: <myInstall> can be the same as <myAdmins> if you only need one admin user account.
  4. Run the following commands to check that the urw-fonts, fontconfig, libnsl and compat-libgfortran packages are installed:

    rpm -qa | grep 'urw.*fonts'

    rpm -qa | grep fontconfig

    rpm -qa | grep libnsl

    rpm -qa | grep compat-libgfortran

    If these packages are not already available on your system, you can install them by using the Yum Package Manager.

  5. Prepare for installation by identifying the following directories:
    Directory Description / example

    Data360 Analyze installation directory

    By default, the Data360 Analyze software installs under your local user location, but you can change this to any other location that you have access to. See the caution below for further information.

    Default location:

    /home/<user>/Data360 Analyze

    Site configuration directory

    This is the default location where data files uploaded through the Data360 Analyze user interface are stored. It is recommended that you change this to a different drive or partition that you have access to that has sufficient space, away from these directories: site, data, executions and install. See the caution below for further information.

    Your customer-specific files are also stored here, including configuration files and application logs.

    Data directory

    This is the location where the Postgres database is stored.

    During installation, you can set this to any location that you have access to. As the data directory will grow in size as you work with Data360 Analyze, ensure that you choose a location that has sufficient space and fast access. See the caution below for further information.

    Temporary execution data directory This is the location where all temporary execution data produced by nodes is stored. It is recommended that this is on a separate partition or drive to the data directory.
    Note: This directory will grow in size as you work with Data360 Analyze, ensure that you choose a location that has sufficient space and fast access.
    The location of the installation, site configuration and data directories should be entirely independent of each other and not, for example, sub-directories of one of the others. Otherwise, you may have problems when upgrading. For example, if the site and/or data directories were sub-directories of the installation one, they would be removed when the installer deletes the installation directory.
    Note: To run Data360 Analyze, the maximum number of open file descriptors needs to be at least 4096, and the maximum number of processes needs to be at least 2048. The Data360 Analyze launch script will attempt to set these limits if your system limits are currently lower. However, if the launch script cannot set these values, you will require an administrator to set them and continue.