Define properties - Data360_Analyze - Latest

Data360 Analyze Server Help

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Data360 Analyze
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Data360 Analyze
Data360 Analyze Server Help
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You can define data flow or composite node properties to set values once in a centralized location, which you can then reference from nodes throughout your document.

In addition to composite and data flow properties, you can also define run properties, where the property values will typically change between runs.

The Properties panel contains the following tabs where you can view and configure node, data flow and run properties:

  • Properties - Select the Properties tab to view node properties.
  • Data Flow - Select the Data Flow tab to view data flow properties.
  • Run - Select the Run tab to view run properties and run property sets.
  • Configure - Select the Configure tab to set property values for the selected item.
  • Review - Select the Review tab to see a read-only view of all evaluated property values for the selected item.
  • Define - Select the Define tab to create new properties for the selected item.

Define data flow properties

Data flow properties are set at the top level of the document, allowing you to centrally set values which do not often change between runs. For example, the location of input files, or database connection details. Data flow properties are often used by multiple nodes throughout a document.

  1. Select the Data Flow tab of the Properties panel.
  2. Choose the Define tab to show all of the property definitions for the selected data flow. Data flow properties are organized into groups.
  3. Click Create property group to create a new group to add properties into. Type a name for the property group.
  4. Add a new property to the group by typing a name for the property and pressing Enter.
  5. Choose a type for the property, see Property types.
Note: Property group names and property names must be unique within the selected data flow.

Define composite node properties

Composite nodes are reusable components, used in multiple places across data flows. You can define properties once on a composite node, and then these values can be inherited by the contained nodes which perform the work of the component.

  1. Select the composite node on the canvas.
  2. From the Properties panel, choose the Define tab to show all of the property definitions for the selected node. Node properties are organized into groups.
  3. Click Create property group to create a new group to add properties into.
  4. Add a new property to the group by typing a name for the property and pressing Enter.
  5. Choose a type for the property, see Property types.
Note: Property group names and property names must be unique within the selected node.

Define run properties

Run properties are properties for which the values typically change from run to run. For example, limits or demographics for a particular run of a data flow. You can reference run properties from nodes in your data flow, and the run property values populate these nodes when the data flow is executed.

If you have the required permissions to run and schedule data flows, you will be able to edit run properties. Run properties are saved separately to the data flow.

  1. Select the Run tab of the Properties panel to view or define run properties.
  2. A single default group is automatically created for run properties to be added into. Add a new run property by typing a name for the property and pressing Enter.
Tip: You can also define a run property set to group together a number of run properties that you want to use across different data flows in your system. For example, you may want to create a set of run properties for a test environment, and another set of run properties for a production environment. For more information, see Run property sets.

Order properties and groups

Property groups and properties are displayed in the Configure tab in the same order that they are defined in the Define tab. You can reorder groups and properties by choosing the following options from the associated menu:

  • Move to Top
  • Move to Bottom
  • Move Up
  • Move Down

You can also move properties from one group to another, using the Move to Group menu.

Inherited property definitions

A node can inherit property groups, properties and input / output pins from another library node.

Inherited items are shown with an inherited badge and are shown as read-only if it is not possible to rename them or edit their attributes:

Property definition

  • You cannot rename or delete an inherited property group, but you can reorder inherited property groups.
  • You cannot rename or change the type of an inherited property. You can hide, reorder or change the group of inherited properties, but you cannot edit their details or delete them.
  • You can rename inherited pins, but you cannot delete them.