Creating a Customer - VeriMove - 4.0

VeriMove Guide

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
Product name
VeriMove Guide
First publish date

Before you can define or run a job, you must set up a unique customer definition. A customer definition contains the information from the USPS Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF). This form must be filled out by the list owner, NCOALink licensee, and, if applicable, the broker/agent before the mailing list can be processed. You will need a copy of the completed PAF before you perform this procedure. Follow these steps to enter the information from the PAF into the VeriMove system.

If you are a service provider, you must create a customer definition for each list owner. If you are an end user (meaning that you process mailing lists for your own company), you only need to define your own company as a customer.

To create a customer, follow these steps.

  1. Select Tools > Options > NCOA/Link then click the Customers tab.
  2. Click Add. The Customer Properties window appears.
  3. To create a customer, complete the following fields. You must fill in each field that is also filled in on the Processing Acknowledgment Form.
    • Company Name — Name of the company that owns the mailing list. If processing a mailing list for your own company, this is your company's name. If processing a list for another company (for example, a service bureau), this is the name of the company that owns the list to process.
    • Parent Company — Parent company of the company entered in the Company Name field, (if applicable).
    • Marketing Company Name — Name used for advertising (if different from the company name).
    • Address, City, State, ZIP, ZIP + 4 — Address, City, State, ZIP, ZIP + 4 for the company in the Company Name field.
    • Telephone Number — Telephone number for the company in the Company Name field.
    • NAICS/SIC — Six-digit North American Industry Classification System or Standard Industrial Classification (NAICS/SIC) code used to identify the type of company. For more information on the NAICS/SIC codes, see
    • Signer — Name of the individual who signed the Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF).
    • Title — Title of the individual who signed the PAF.
    • Date Signed — Date that the PAF was signed. Enter the date in an MMDDYYYY format. For example, if the PAF was signed on June 15, 2015 you would enter 06152015. The PAF is a USPS-required form that brokers/agents and list administrators must sign to acknowledge that they will use the output from NCOALink in accordance with USPS regulations.
    • Mailer ID — (Optional) Type up to 15 alphanumeric characters for the mailer ID.
    • Email Address — (Optional) Type up to 64 alphanumeric characters for the email address of the individual signing the PAF.
    • Website URL — (Optional) Type up to 40 alphanumeric characters for the company website.
    • Alternative PAF — If you are submitting an alternative Processing Acknowledgment Form (PAF), click Alternative PAF.
    • Buyer Company Information — (Optional) Type the name and ZIP Code of the company that will be buying the list after the list has been processed.
    • Processes Performed — Select the option that describes any pre- and/or post-processing that occurs outside of VeriMove. The options are identical for the Pre and Post fields:
      • None — No processing occurs outside of VeriMove.
      • Yes, no data altered — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove but data is not changed.
      • Yes, altered from non-postal data only — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove. Changes are only made from non-postal data.
      • Yes, altered from postal data only — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove. Changes are only made from postal data.
      • Yes, altered from postal and non-postal data — Processing occurs outside of VeriMove. Changes are made from postal and non-postal data.

        If you select any option other than None for the Pre and/or Post fields, click Edit to enter the appropriate information to describe the processing.

      • Postal — Select the postal processes that occur outside of VeriMove.
      • Other (Postal and/or Non-Postal) — Enter any other postal and/or non-postal processes that occur outside of VeriMove.

        Click OK to return to the Customer Properties Window.

        The information entered in the Processes Used Window is reported on the NCOALink Processing Summary Report.

    • Class of Mail — Select the class of mail for the mailing list to process.
    • Name — Type the name used to identify the mailing list.
    • Multiple Selects — Select Multiple Selects if:
      • Only parts of the mailing list will be processed (not the entire mailing list).
      • Some runs will process the entire list but other runs will process only part of the list.
    • Entire File — Select Entire File if you will process the entire list all at once or in multiple runs.
    • Frequency — Select the frequency for processing the list. For example, if you process the entire list using one run every 16 weeks, select 16 in the Frequency field. If you process one-third of the list on each run such that the entire list is effectively processed every three weeks, select 3 in the Frequency field.
    • High Match Rate Indicator — Select one of the following reasons to indicate why the processing run results in a high match rate (match percentage greater than 20%).
      • None — You are processing with a regular file. The High Match Rate indicator is not set. (default)
      • A-ANKLink — You are processing a file from an ANKLink processing run.
      • S-Stage File — You are processing a Stage I or Stage II file.
      • R-Return Mail File — You are processing a Return Mail file.
    • Type — Select one of the following for the Licensee assigned.
      • Initial — This is a new PAF.
      • Renewal — You are updating the PAF due to changes that require you to renew your PAF. The USPS requires you to review your PAF annually (based on your PAF signed date) for changes to the information contained on your original or last reviewed PAF form.

If the information on your PAF has not changed, you do not have to submit a new PAF to the USPS. If the information on your PAF has changed, you have to submit a new PAF to the USPS and update the PAF information in your VeriMove job.
      • Modification — You are modifying the PAF with changes not related to a renewal.
    • Date Signed — Type the date (mmddyyyy) on which the NCOALink licensee signed the PAF. For example, if the PAF was signed on January 2, 2009 you would enter 01022009. The PAF is a USPS-required form that brokers/agents and list administrators must sign to acknowledge that they will use the output from NCOALink in accordance with USPS regulations.
    • Broker/Agent — If the customer uses a Broker/Agent, select the appropriate Broker/Agent. If the customer's Broker/Agent does not appear on the list, you must create the Broker/Agent. For more information, see Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator.
    • List Administrator — If the customer uses a List Administrator, select the appropriate List Administrator. If the customer's List Administrator does not appear on the list, you must create the List Administrator. For more information, see Creating a Broker/Agent or List Administrator.
    • PAF ID — Type the six alphanumeric characters for the unique PAF ID for this customer. This is a number assigned by you.
  4. Click OK. The Customers tab appears. The new customer appears in the Customers group.
  5. Click OK.