Migration Steps on Windows - trillium_quality - trillium_discovery - 17.1

Trillium DQ Installation Guide

Product type
Product family
Trillium > Trillium Quality
Trillium > Trillium Discovery
Product name
Trillium Quality and Discovery
Trillium DQ Installation Guide
First publish date

The repository server uses DLLs that are common to other applications. To ensure that the latest versions of the common DLLs are installed, you may be asked to shut down some applications before installing the repository server.

Use the following procedure to migrate the existing repository server during installation of v17.1.

Attention: The migration to Trillium 17.1 does not support alternate repositories.

To migrate the repository server

  1. Log in as the Trillium application administrator.
  2. If you have not yet done so, download the software installation package from the Precisely Support website.
  3. Browse to the \Repository_Server directory.
  4. Double-click the setup file to begin the installation. The InstallShield Wizard gathers the required information and displays the welcome message.
  5. Click Next. The License Agreement window opens.
  6. Read the license agreement. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement option.
  7. Click Next. The Destination Folder window opens.
  8. Click Next to accept the default path.

    Alternately, click Change to specify a different path, click OK, and then click Next. The path you specify here is the repository server path.

    Note: On Windows, when you select an alternative drive (for example, D:) to install the repository server and/or repository, a subset of components including inetd, TssFault, and DataAdapter are always installed in the Common Files directory of the C: drive. These components may be shared across product installations and therefore should not be removed from the Common Files directory. A minimum of 1 GB of disk space is needed to install these components.

    The Repository Type window opens.

    Trillium recommends backing up any existing repository and data that you plan to reuse.
  9. On the Repository Type window, select one of the following options and click Next.
    • New Installation - Select to do a fresh installation. Do not select this for migration. Proceed to steps provided in New installation of Repository Server.    
    • Migration from earlier version - Select if you have existing repository servers that you want to reuse. See Migrate from existing repositories.

      • If they are pre v15.7.4, you will have to migrate the repositories to 15.7.4 and then to 17.1

Migrate from existing repositories

Use the following procedure to migrate from existing repository.

To migrate from existing repositories

When you select the Migration from earlier version option, and click Next, all available repositories are listed.

  1. Verify you made a backup of the data you plan to reuse.
  2. Select the repository that you want to migrate.

    In this example, you are selecting to migrate the Trillium v16 repository. If you selected the Trillium v15 repository, it would be migrated.

  3. Click Next. You are prompted for username and password.
  4. In Username enter the username associated with the repository you are migrating.
  5. In Password, enter the password for the user.
  6. Click Next. The login credentials are verified and the Repository Folder window opens.
  7. Proceed to steps provided in New installation of Repository Server.

New installation of Repository Server

  1. To keep the default location to store repositories in the ...\17\Data folder, click Next. To specify a custom location, click Change and select the location.
    You were asked to specify a repository server path in step 8. These two paths must be unique. For example, if you specified the server path as ...\Trillium_Software\server, you can define the repository path as ...\Trillium_Software\repository. The repository type is New Installation.

  2. The data repository is the destination designated for your user data storage. The metadata repository is the database created to store metadata discovered by Trillium Discovery.

    You can use the same path for the data and metadata (the default). Click Change to specify locations other than the default.
    Remember: The repository server path must be unique from the paths specified for the repository data and metadata.

    You can also choose to change the path of your TSQ projects or keep it unchanged to select the default path.

  3. Click Next. The Create Sample Data window opens. If you are reusing data from a previous version, you will not see the Create Sample Data window.
  4. Select one or both options if you want to install the sample data, then click Next. The sample data allows you to create simple entities (data sources) and projects and get familiar with Trillium.
    If you do not select any option, the server does not install the sample data files.

    The Server Ports window opens.

  5. Specify the server port numbers.
    1. In Repository Server, enter a port number or keep the default 17n40.
    2. In Repository Server Scheduler, enter a port number or keep the default 17n41.
    3. In UI Web Server Port, enter a port number or keep the default of 17n42.
  6. Click Next. The License Server window opens.
    The license server is a service that authorizes your site to perform certain functions within Trillium. The license server can be hosted by the Repository Server Scheduler service or by a different service or daemon.
  7. Select one of the following options:
    • The license server runs on a different host - Select this option to install the repository server on more than one machine and to host the license server on a remote machine. For this option, you do not need to activate the license file on the remote server because the remotely-hosted server is already actively licensed.
    • The license server only supports local applications - Select this option to install the repository server and client applications (such as the Control Center) on the same machine. For this option, you will need to activate the license file. The server, after installed locally, is accessible to remote clients. If you do not select any option, the server is installed locally and is accessible to remote clients.
    If you do not select any option, the server is installed locally and is accessible to remote clients.
    1. For The license server runs on a different host option, in the License server address details section and click Change. The License Server Address Details window opens.
    2. In DNS Name/IP Address, enter the fully qualified domain name or the IP address of the machine where the license server is installed.
    3. In Port, enter the port number associated with the license server.
    4. Click OK.
  8. Click Next.
    The Repository Security window opens.
  9. Configure Windows authentication (default) or Trillium authentication. Windows authentication establishes the Windows Active Directory for Trillium users. This option is more robust when defining repository security levels. See the Trillium Repository Administrator’s Guide for information on Trillium user security. Save the repository administrator login credentials in a safe place. This information is needed to log in to Repository Administration Command Prompt and the Repository Manager.

    To configure Windows authentication

    1. In Username, enter the name of the Windows administrator who will manage the Trillium repositories.
    2. In Password, enter the password of the user.

    To configure Trillium authentication

    1. Uncheck the Use Windows Authentication checkbox.
    2. In Username, enter a name for the repository administrator.
    3. In Password and Confirm password, enter the password for the user.
  10. Click Next. The Password Vault window opens.
  11. Specify the password vault information for ODBC connections. This allows you to connect more securely to password-protected data sources.
    1. In Password Vault Type, select None or CyberArk. The default is None. Select CyberArk if CyberArk account security is configured in your environment. This will enable the use of secure account credentials stored in an encrypted digital vault when creating an ODBC data source (entity) that uses a data (loader) connection to a pass­word-protected database.
      Note: CyberArk is currently the only supported vault type.
    2. If you accept None as the default, click Next to proceed. If you selected CyberArk, for Password Vault URL enter the password vault URL associated with your CyberArk solution. Contact your CyberArk administrator for the URL.
      • If the URL you enter is not valid, when you click Next you will be prompted to enter a valid URL.

      • The URL is stored as a parameter in the Trillium server config.txt file. Trillium application administrators can add or change the URL at a later time, even if you accept None as the default now.

      • Select None if you do not know the URL or you want to configure CyberArk at a later time. For more information, see the Trillium DQ Repository Administrator’s Guide or the Administration Center help.

  12. Click Next. The Ready to Install window opens.
  13. Click Install to begin the installation. A progress window shows the progress of the installation. When the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Completed window opens.
    Attention: If you are upgrading or converting existing repositories, the process may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the size of the repositories you are re-using. See the mtb_server.log to check the status of the upgrade/conversion. If the conversion stopped before completion, contact Trillium Technical Support to resolve the issue.
  14. After the installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard.
  15. Restart your system if prompted to perform a restart.
  16. This completes the repository server installation on Windows. Depending on your license, you may need to install some or all of EDQ 64-bit TS Quality for Real Time. Go to Installing Enterprise Data Quality(EDQ)for instructions. If you do not need to install EDQ, go to Post-Server/EDQ Installation Procedures for the post-installation procedures.