Profile Attribute Configuration Fields - Precisely EnterWorks - EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX) - EnterWorks - 10.5

EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks™ software
Product name
Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide
First publish date

The following describes the configuration fields for Profile attributes.

  • Name (Required) and Description (Optional): Do not include special characters in the name, such as & < > ". The name and description fields for attributes are translatable. To add translations, click the multi-language icon corresponding to either the name or description to open the multi-language editor (shown below). After the user is done adding translations, click the Save button on the multi-language editor page and click OK on the Define Attribute Details page to save your translations.

  • Restricted Name: (Required) The relational database snapshot column name. Typically, this is comprised of only alphanumeric and underscore characters. The auto-conversion function will change any blank characters to underscores. Do not include special characters in the name, such as & < > ".

  • Language: For attributes of data type CURRENCY, DECIMAL, INTEGER, and BIGINT, the language you choose determines how their values are stored and how EnterWorks editors display their values and interpret entered values. If you select a language, the format of the attribute is determined by the language chosen. The Control Type field will not apply.

Warning: Once you have data stored in a CURRENCY or DECIMAL type attribute, if you change the attribute’s language, the data will not be updated to reflect the new data type. EnterWorks will change the way it interprets the data, but the data itself will not be changed, therefore, the data will be invalid. Do not change the language of CURRENCY and DECIMAL type attributes once you have entered data values.

  • Data Type: (Required) By defining the Data Type, you are defining what values can be stored in the attribute and what functionality can be performed on it. CURRENCY and DECIMAL attributes are affected by the Language selected, as described above.

  • Data Type specific: Depending on which data type you choose, the following options will appear:

    • Data Precision: Appears for Data Types: BIGINT, CURRENCY, DECIMAL, INTEGER. Indicates the number of digits the value can have. While you can set the precision for BIGINT and INTEGER values, it is not used during validation and has no effect.

    • Data Scale: Appears for Data Type: Currency, Decimal. Indicates how many digits are to the right of the decimal point.

    • Data Size: Appears for Data Type: VARCHAR. Indicates the maximum number of characters in the data field.

  • Default Value: (Optional) Specifies a default value for the Profile’s attribute property. This will not affect any existing repositories’ attribute property.

  • Group: (Required) A group organizes a repository’s attributes in a meaningful manner inside a repository’s Detail Editor Tab.

The names of the groups are displayed in a “xx – yy” format or “xx | yy” format. The first name is the name of the Tab and the second name after the dash is the Group (or section) on that tab that the attribute will be shown.

  • Associated Group: (Optional) An association group is a set of attributes that coordinate with each other. Each attribute consists of a list of values, and the first value in the list of one attribute relates to the first value in the list of the other attributes in the association group. Any attribute that is going to be in an Association Group must be a repeating, or multi-value attribute. Association groups cannot contain multi-language attributes.

If this attribute will be part of an association group, select the association group or click Manage to create an association group. Association Groups are not specific to a Profile so they must have a unique Name across all other Association Groups in the system.

  • Code Set: (Optional) Code sets are comprised of predefined values. The predefined values are used to give a selection to the user so that an attribute can be defined. For more information about code sets, see the Precisely EnterWorks online help at

  • Control Type: (Optional) Control types specify how data can be entered into an attribute. The way an attribute is displayed depends on the Control Type. The Is Repeatable also affects how the attribute is displayed. For instance, the use of a check box or radio button is dependent upon the Is Repeatable option.

For attributes of data type CURRENCY, DECIMAL, INTEGER, and BIGINT, the language you choose determines how their values are stored and how EnterWorks editors display their values and interpret entered values. If you select a language, the format of the attribute is determined by the language chosen. The Control Type field will not apply.

The following table describes each control type within the EnterWorks system.

Control Types Description
Check Box or Radio

Check Boxes are a series of small boxes which allow a user to select one or more specified values.

Radio buttons also offer a set of values relative to an attribute however, only one can be selected at a time.

Code Set List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Code Sets within the EnterWorks system.
Code Set – Taxonomy and Hierarchy List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of a combined list of all Taxonomies and Hierarchies within the EnterWorks system.
Custom Dropdown List Allows a user to specify values via a specified SQL query. The values are displayed via a dropdown list or multi-select list.
Custom Format Pattern

Allows you to define your own format for user input. Enter a string representing the pattern of the desired input. Sections of the pattern that represent user input begin with {{ and end with }}. Use the following tokens to specify the characters the user is allowed to enter:

  • 9: The character must be a single digit.

  • a: The character must be an uppercase or lowercase letter in the English alphabet, A through Z.

  • *: The character can be a single digit or any uppercase or lowercase letter in the English alphabet, A through Z.

For example, a phone number may be represented with the following string:

({{999}}) {{999}}-{{999}}

This control type does not support the multi-language capability.

Export, Publication and Syndication Template List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Export, Publication, and Syndication Templates within the EnterWorks system.
Export Style Map List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Export Style Maps within the EnterWorks system.
Export Template List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Export Templates within the EnterWorks system.
Group List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Groups within the EnterWorks system.
Hierarchy List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Hierarchies within the EnterWorks system.
HTML Editor Allows the user to format data via a WYSIWYG editor. This control type supports multi-language.
Import Template List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Import Templates within the EnterWorks system.

Attribute field that only permits numeric characters.

  • In the Classic UI, non-numeric characters can be entered into attributes with a control type of numeric. The value will be accepted, validated when the value is saved, then marked as invalid.

  • The New UI prevents values containing non-numeric characters to be saved.

Profile List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Profiles within the EnterWorks system.
Publication Style Map List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Publication Style Maps within the EnterWorks system.
Publication Template List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Publication Templates within the EnterWorks system.
Repository List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all repositories within the EnterWorks system.
Syndication Template List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Syndication Templates within the EnterWorks system.
Taxonomy List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all Taxonomies within the EnterWorks system.
User List Allows the user to choose a single value via a dropdown or multiple values via a multi-select box of all users within the EnterWorks system.
  • Special Function Indicator: (Optional) Allows the user to specify that the attribute serves a special function, such as a Taxonomy Node Link or that it is a status indicator. The available selections for this characteristic are based on the type of Profile being defined. All special function indicators whose name begins with Extended have been deprecated.

  • Category Attribute Association: (Optional) This is only used for Taxonomy Attributes and Dynamic Attributes. In the case of Taxonomy Attributes, it identifies the Category Attribute Association Object to be used. If an attribute is a Dynamic Attribute, this identifies the Association Object to be used. For more information about Association Objects, see the Precisely EnterWorks online help at

  • Is Variant: A configuration dependent variable. For more information, contact your EnterWorks account representative.

  • Copywriter: A configuration dependent variable. For more information, contact your EnterWorks account representative.

  • Is Multi-Language: Indicates if this attribute is to use the Multi-Language capability. For more information on the Multi-Language capability, see Multiple Language Support.

If you change an attribute to be multi-language or to not be multi-language, the snapshot table must be rebuilt after you finish editing the profile.

  • Is Global/Category/Dynamic: (Required) : Indicates if this attribute is a Global Attribute, Category Attribute or Dynamic Attribute. Note that the attribute will only be displayed in the Category Attribute tree if it is a Category Attribute.

  • Is Required: (Optional) Allows the attribute to be defined as a required element for each record within a repository.

  • Is Primary Key: (Optional) Indicates this attribute contains the record’s unique identifier.

  • Seq Gen Ind: (Optional) This indicates that the attribute is the repository’s sequence attribute and its value will be automatically generated by EnterWorks unless it is supplied by the user or in an import when the record is created. There can be only one Auto-sequenced Attribute per repository.

  • Is Repeatable: Indicates if a record can have multiple values for this attribute. When checked, a field appears to the right to specify the delimiter between values. The default delimiter is a comma. If an attribute has a numerical datatype and a language has been selected for the attribute, it cannot be a repeatable attribute.

  • Is Business Key: Deprecated.

Note that other attribute definition fields may be present, depending on system configuration.