Step 2: Input Options - mapmarker - 4.5

MapMarker Guide

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MapMarker Guide
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For Geocoding:

After you have uploaded your address record file in Step 1: Upload File for Geocoding, you are ready to select options that define:
  • The input address fields you want to use for matching to the reference data.
  • Your desired output data.
  • The file name and format for your geocoded output record file.

    The following procedure describes how to select your input options.

  1. The page displays a snapshot of the first 5 records from your uploaded address record file. Check to confirm the uploaded content contains all the fields you were expecting.
  2. Fields to Geocode
    MapMarker reads the file column headers in your input file and tries to automatically map them with the required geocode input fields like Address, City, State, Postcode and Country. In case this mapping is not automatically done, click on a column header and drag and drop into an empty Fields to Geocode text box.
    Note: It is highly recommended to map the Country field for accurate and faster results especially if the input file contains addresses from multiple countries.
    To change the mapping, first remove the required field by clicking in the text box, then drag and drop the required column back again into the text box.
    Note: A column can be mapped to only one text box. The same column cannot be mapped to multiple text boxes.
    • To remove one of more of these fields, click X button. in the text box.
    • To include a field to be used in the matching process, click a column header and drag and drop into an empty text box.
  3. Geocode Outputs

    Select your Geocode Outputs fields by clicking on the checkbox you would like to add to your output.

    The default set of geocode output fields are:

    Field Description
    X (longitude) The longitude of the address location.
    Y (latitude) The latitude of the address location.
    Precision Code A code describing the precision of the geocode. For more information, see Precision Code.
    Source Dictionary The dictionary (reference dataset) that is the source for the candidate information and data. For more information, see Source Dictionary.
    Country The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country code for each address. For a listing of the supported countries and associated ISO country codes, see Supported Countries.
    Note: If your file contains addresses from multiple countries, it is required to map the Country field in Step 2.

    For a complete list of output fields and their definitions, see Geocode Outputs.

    To remove an output field, uncheck the checkbox.

  4. Outputs
    1. Using the drop-down menu, select an export format. Default: The file format of your input file.
    2. In the Export Name textbox, enter the file name for the output file. "-Output" is the default name, which can be changed as desired.
    3. Using the drop-down menu, select the desired coordinate system in which the output is generated. This option is only available for tab/shape as an output. For CSV as an output, EPSG:4326 will be selected as default.
  5. To complete Step 2, click Next. To abort the process and return to the MapMarker Dashboard, click Cancel.
    Step Result: The Step 3: Geocoding Options page displays.

    For Reverse Geocoding:

    After you have uploaded your location record file in Step 1: Upload File for Reverse Geocoding, you are ready to select options that defines:
    • The input location fields you want to use for matching to the reference data.
    • Your desired output data.
    • The file name and format for your Reverse Geocoded output record file.
      The following procedure describes how to select your input options.
      1. The page displays a snapshot of the first five records from your uploaded location record file. Check to confirm the uploaded content contains all the fields you were expecting.
      2. MapMarker reads the file column headers in your input file and tries to automatically map them with the required Reverse Geocode input fields like Longitude (X), Latitude (Y) and Country. In case this mapping is not automatically done, click a column header and drag and drop into an empty Fields to Reverse Geocode text box.
        Note: A column can be mapped to only one text box. The same column cannot be mapped to multiple text boxes.

        To change the mapping, first remove the required field by clicking in the text box, then drag and drop the required column back again into the text box.

        To remove one of more of these fields, click in the text box.

      3. Select your Reverse Geocode Outputs fields by clicking on the check box you would like to add to your output.

        The default set of geocode output fields are:

        Field Description
        Formatted Street Address The formatted main address line.
        Formatted Location Address The formatted last address line.
        Precision Code A code describing the precision of the geocode. For more information, see Precision Code.
        Source Dictionary The dictionary (reference dataset) that is the source for the candidate information and data. For more information, see Source Dictionary.
        Country The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country code for each address. For a listing of the supported countries and associated ISO country codes, see Supported Countries.
        Note: If your file contains addresses from multiple countries, it is required to map the Country field in Step 2.

        For a complete list of output fields and their definitions, see Geocode Outputs.

        To remove an output field, uncheck the check box.

      4. Using the drop-down menu, select an export format.
      5. In the Export Name textbox, enter the file name for the output file. "-Output" is the default name, which can be changed as desired.
      6. To complete Step 2, click Next. To abort the process and return to the MapMarker Dashboard, click Cancel.

        Step Result: The Step 3: Geocoding Options page displays.