Styles Preferences Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

To display this dialog box, on the PRO tab, select Options and then click Styles.

Use the Style Preferences dialog box to control the default display styles for objects on the map and for images.

Default Object Styles


Specify a fill pattern (foreground and background) and border style (color and width) for an object.


Specify a symbol style, (font, symbol, color, rotation angle, background, and effect) for an object.


Specify a line style, (style, color, and width) for a line object.



Specify a text or Label style, (font, text color, background, and effects) for a text or Label object.

Enhanced Rendering Defaults for New Windows

Enable Enhanced Rendering

Use this check box to turn on the advanced rendering functionality for MapInfo labels, objects, lines and borders, and images. You must select this check box to enable the enhanced rendering features that are listed below it.

Smooth Text & Labels

When you choose to smooth text and labels, MapInfo Pro removes the appearance of jagged characters in horizontal and rotated labels and on any custom text objects that display in the map. Use this drop-down list to choose whether to "smooth" the display the text and labels. Smoothed text and labels look better on your map, but because these objects require more rendering, it may take longer to display your map.

The two options are:

None, which indicates that you want no text or labels to be smoothed.

Anti-alias, which indicates that you want all text and labels to be smoothed.

Smooth Images

When you use this option, MapInfo Pro removes the appearance of jagged edges in images that display in the map. Use this drop-down list to choose whether to smooth the map images; options include:

None, which indicates that you do not want to smooth the map images.

Low Quality, which indicates that you want some image smoothing but do not want the performance impact that High Quality would have.

High Quality, which indicates that you want the most image smoothing that MapInfo Pro can provide. Selecting this option would cause your map image to draw more slowly.

Smooth Lines & Borders

When you use this option, MapInfo Pro removes the appearance of jagged edges in lines and borders that display in the map. Use this drop-down to select from these options:

None, which indicates that you want no lines or borders to be smoothed.

Anti-alias, which indicates that you want all lines or borders to be smoothed.

Highlight Control

Selected Objects

Specify the color, pattern and size of lines and the color and pattern for selected objects in selectable layers. The buttons correspond, in order: lines, regions, multipoint objects.

Target Objects

Specify the color, pattern and size of lines and the color and pattern for target objects in selectable layers. The buttons correspond, in order: lines, regions, multipoint objects.


Use this slider bar to indicate the translucency of the selected object. Translucency can be set between 0-100%. A 0% translucency is completely opaque (or cannot be seen through). A 100% translucency is completely transparent (or completely invisible).

Default Find Style

Use the button in this box to change the default symbol style for find operations (on the TABLE, MAP, or SPATIAL tabs, in the Selection group, click Find). The symbol style you select using this button displays on the map when the location is found. Currently, the default find style is a star.

Show reference grid for style pickers

Click this check box to display reference grids on the style picker dialog boxes. This option allows you to refer to a particular style based on the intersection of the column letters and row numbers. Clear this check box to stop the reference grids from displaying.