Data Disaggregation Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

The columns from the input table are carried to the output table unless the No Data box is checked. The method used to calculate the output column value depends on the Disaggregation method selected for each column.

Field Name

Shows the headings contained in the table.


Shows the Disaggregation method (blank, value, or area proportion) that are applied to the corresponding field.


The value contained in the data field of the target object is deleted in the new object. For example, choose Blank for the state name field if you do not want the new object to be named with the state name. A Browser window of the new objects shows text and numeric fields alike to contain blank values.


Select to transfer the value from that input column to the output table for each result object of a given input object. For example, the name of the state in the target object are carried over to the new object(s).

Area Proportion

Numeric values of the target object are proportioned for each new object, based on the area of the new objects. For example, if you split California into three new regions and choose Area Proportion for its population, each region now contains the population for its region based on its area.

Note: When disaggregating the Area Proportion value is only used for Region objects and is available only as a choice if the column is a numeric column and if the Retain Holes in Regions option is selected in the previous menu.

No Data

Data is not carried over into the new objects. This is appropriate if you are only editing an object for presentation purposes and do not need the data attached to the new objects. By choosing No Data the field names and data disaggregation choices in the dialog box are grayed. A Browser window of the new objects shows zeroes where numeric data was and blank for text fields.

If you want to apply the same disaggregation function to multiple rows of fields, select the first field and Shift-click to select subsequent fields. Then choose the appropriate function. (Ctrl-click for non-consecutive selections). You must choose or accept one of the above methods (Blank, Value or Area Proportion) for each field.

For subsequent split operations, the dialog box retains the previous disaggregation status for a field.