If you do not want to edit an object after it has been set as the target, use the Clear Target command. The object will no longer be highlighted or marked for editing. An object will also be cleared as a target automatically if it has been deleted or modified by Combine, Erase Target, Erase Outside Target, Split Target, Overlay Nodes onto Target, or if you have chosen a new target.
To clear a target, on the On the SPATIAL tab, in the Edit group, click Clear Target.
Combining Objects with Different Table Structures
If the tables you are combining have the same table structure, the process we have discussed in Combining Objects with Set Target works perfectly. When you are working with two tables with different table structures, the Data Disaggregation options are slightly different. When the input table has a different table structure from the output table, the Data Aggregation dialog box opens with a Column Name field to accommodate the table structure.
Column Name field
The Area Proportion radio button is active if the selected field is numeric. Also the Value entry field is enabled when you select the Value radio button and the drop-down list contains "none".