Australia - S Category Result Codes - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

The following table provides S result code descriptions for Australia.

Result Code Description
S8 Single match, point located at either the single point associated with an address point candidate or at an address point candidate that shares the same house number. No interpolation is required.
S8.......G Single match, with GNAF Reliability levels of 1 or 2 (the highest level of GNAF Reliability).
S7 Single match, located at an interpolated point along the candidate’s street segment. When the potential candidate is not an address point candidate and there are no exact house number matches among other address point candidates, the S7 result is returned using address point interpolation.
S7.......G Single match, with GNAF Reliability level of 3.
S5 Single match, point located at a street address position
S4 Single match, point located at the center of a shape point path (shape points define the shape of the street polyline).
S4.......G Single match, with a GNAF Reliability level of 4 (associated with a unique road feature.)
S0 Single match, however, no coordinates are available.
SX Single match with the point located at street intersection.
SC Single match where the original point has been moved a specified distance (usually along a perpendicular line) toward or away from the associated street segment. This result code can be returned only when both a point Geocode dataset and a street segment Geocode dataset are available and when the centerline offset feature is used.
SG Single match with point at the center of a locality or Locality level geocode derived from topographic feature. An SG result code is associated with GNAF Reliability Level 5 (locality or neighborhood) or with Level 6 (unique region.)