Using the Filter Tool - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
First publish date

The Filter tool can be used to smooth and enhance features in a raster dataset. Filters create output values by applying the specified m x n filter kernel to every cell in the input raster. As the center of the kernel passes over each input cell, the values of that cell and its neighbors are used to calculate the output value for the cell.

In MapInfo Pro Advanced, filters like smoothing (low-pass) filters, contrast enhancement filters, edge detection filters, and general high-pass filters are provided. In addition, MapInfo Pro Advanced also includes several user defined filters enabling you to create and apply your own filters.

To apply a grid filter:

  1. Open a raster in a map window.
  2. On the RASTER tab, in the Operations group, click Raster Operations and then click the Filter button to open the Filter dialog box.

  3. Select the category of filter from the Select Category drop-down list.

    The filter categories are:

    • Enhancement filters
    • Smoothing filters
    • Focal filters
    • User Defined filters
    • Custom filters
  4. Select a filter from the Select Filter drop-down list.

    You can see a list of all available enhancement and smoothing filters according to the filter category selected.

    Depending on the selected filter, you will see the corresponding filter kernel.

    If you select Focal Filter as the filter category, you need to choose the number of rows and columns for the focal filter matrix.

  5. Type the name of the output file in the Output File field.
  6. Select the Display check-box to display the output raster on the map window.
  7. Click Process to create the filtered file and display on the map window.