To generate contours of a raster file:
On the RASTER tab, in the Operations group, click Raster Operations and then click the Contour
button to open the Contour dialog box.
Select an input raster from the Input File drop-down list or click
to browse the raster file.
The image below represents a surface raster (Digital Elevation Model).
- If the input raster has multiple fields and bands, a Select Fields ,Bands drop-down list will appear. This list will display only continuous and classified fields. Select the required band from the list for contouring. Contour works on a single band at a time.
Select the contour type from the Contour type drop-down list.
MapInfo Pro Advanced generates contour as:
- Polyline - Generates contours polylines from the input raster.
- Region - Generates contours regions from the input raster.
Select the contour method from the Method drop-down list.
The list options are:
- Fixed Intervals - The contour will be generated between the minimum and maximum values as specified in Intervals panel. You can preview the contour intervals under Interval List on the Contour dialog box.
- Custom Intervals - The contour will be generated for user defined intervals. You can define the contour intervals under Interval List on the Contour dialog box.
- Under the Interval List section, you can preview contour intervals and modify their settings.
- Intervals... - To open contour intervals panel.
- Load... - To load an existing contour interval settings. Click Load and select the required contour interval settings file (.level).
- Save As... - Click Save As to save the contour interval settings into a file (.level).
- Insert Row - To insert a new contour interval.
- Delete Row - To delete the selected contour interval.
Click More Options to set the advanced options.
- Contour Region - Specify the region for contouring.
- Subdivide into regions - Break the output MapInfo TAB file into smaller regions.
- Discard Small regions - Remove small islands from the output.
- Minimum region area - Specify threshold area for the contour regions.
Select the option from the Contour Region drop-down list. By default, Full Data Extent is selected for you.
- Full Data Extent - Denotes the complete extent of the input raster. Select this option if you want to generate contours for the entire raster extent.
- User Rectangle - Allows you to define rectangular bounds on the raster. Contours will be generated for the defined area only.
- Map Extent - Denotes the current map extent of the input raster. Select this option if you want to generate contours for the extent of current map window.
Select the Subdivide into regions check-box if you want to break the output contour tab file into smaller regions. Breaking into sub-regions creates multiple .TAB files, each representing a contour region.. A contour region is defined by the number of rows and columns of each region.
Type the number of rows and columns for specifying sub-regions in the Region Width (Columns) and Region Height (Rows) fields respectively.
- Select the Discard small regions check-box to dissolve smaller contour regions into the surrounding contour level and remove small islands from the output.
- In the Minimum region area field, type threshold area for the contour regions. This option allows you to remove the contour regions that are smaller than the specified area, from the output.
- Enter a Resolution level to specify the resolution for the contour generation.
- Select the Match Colors to Input check-box to style the contours using colors from the source raster.
Specify a name and location for the output raster that you are creating. In the
Output File box enter the name you want to specify
for your output file. Click
to browse to the location to save the output file. Click Output Settings and then select Display Output File to display the output file after the operation is complete.
- Click Process to generate a MapInfo TAB file of contours containing polylines or regions according to your selection.
You will see a MapInfo TAB file of contours as defined by the settings and contour types.
Polyline Contour
Region Contour
Related reference