Using the Color Tool - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The Color tool enables you to enhance the display of a raster file by changing its appearance through coloring, data stretches, and bandpass cutoffs. It supports both Pseudo Color and RGB. With some data, it can be useful to show the grid colored into just a few ranges based on threshold breaks. Each of these ranges would be shown in a different color to highlight the areas of interest.

To change the display of a raster:

  1. Open a raster in the map window.
  2. On the RASTER tab, in the Display group, click the Advanced Color button. Or, click Advanced Color Options from the Color Stretch gallery.
  3. Select an input raster dataset from the Input File drop-down list.
  4. If the input raster has multiple fields and bands, the Field,Band drop-down list will appear. This list contains all field and band names of the input dataset, as shown in the image below: Select a band from the list for which you will apply colors.
  5. Select RGB or Pseudo Color from the Display Mode drop-down list. Depending on this selection additional parameters appear.
  6. If you select RGB in the Display Mode, the RGB Channel Mapping drop-down list will appear. This list contains all field and band names of the input dataset. Select a band from the list, so that you can map bands to each of the Red, Green or Blue color channels. You can use the individual bands or different combinations of bands to visualize the imagery data.
  7. Select a color look up table from the Color table drop-down list.

  8. Select the Reverse Color check-box if you want to display your grid in colors in a reversed order from the selected color table.
  9. Select the Override Null Color check-box and change the color of the null cells in the source raster. Doing so will make all null cells acquire the color you have selected from the color picker.
  10. Select a transformation method from the Color Transformation Options drop-down list for all channels or RGB Individually.
  11. Select the required color transformation options from the drop-down list.

    There are four transformation methods:

    1. Linear
    2. Logarithmic
    3. Histogram Equalization
    4. User Defined
  12. Click Apply Clip Limit to allow only the specified range of values for rendering.
  13. Click one of the following options from the Limits Specified As list.
    • Absolute
    • Percent
    • Percentile
  14. Click Transparent Clip Limit, if you want to render the data falling outside the lower and upper clip limits as transparent.
  15. Click Apply Settings.

The raster with the selected color options is displayed in the map window. The changes are saved automatically within the file metadata, and will display with the same color settings when the file is reopened.