Using the Classify Tool - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The Classify tool enables you to reclass values in a classified grid to make the data more suitable for your analysis.

To use the Classify tool:

  1. Open a raster file in the map window.
  2. On the RASTER tab, in the Operations group, click Raster Operations and then click the Classify button to display the Classify dialog box.
  3. Select either Numeric or Classified as output raster type from the Output raster type drop-down list.

    See Reclassifying a classified grid to reclassify a classified raster.

  4. If you select Classified, you can perform the following:
    1. Change the name of the class by double clicking on the Class column corresponding to the class you want to change and assign a new class. You can change color for the class by clicking the Color column.
    2. Click Insert Row to add a new class.
    3. Click Delete Row to delete a class.
  5. If you select Numeric, you can perform the following:
    1. All the classes that are present in the input raster are listed. Each class is assigned a default value. If you want to edit the value, click on the New Value column corresponding to the class you want to change and assign a new value.
  6. Select either Continuous or Discreet from the Class Interval Type drop-down list. For more information, refer to Interval Types.
  7. Click Derive Class Color From to choose a color from the color table. The output class will derive color from the selected color table.
  8. If required, click Save As to save the classification profile into a text file. Click Load to load the classification profile from your computer.

    To load an existing classification profile, click Load and select the required classification file. You can load the classification profile from a csv or text file.

  9. Click Intervals to modify the input classification range and the number of classifications or bins in the output raster.

    Input Data Range - The input data range as specified in the input file. You can not edit the Minimum or Maximum value.

    Class Intervals - When data is arranged into different classes, the width of each class is called the class interval. In the Class Intervals section, you can specify the numerical width of your class. Specify values for Minimum or lower class limit and Maximum or upper class limit.

    • Minimum - The cell with the minimum value.
    • Maximum - The cell with the maximum value.
    • Method - Select either Interval Spacing or Number of Intervals.
      1. Select Interval Spacing, type a value in the Value field, and click OK. The value represents the interval spacing between the cell values. For example, if you have a raster with value ranges from (10 - 100), (100 - 200), and (200 - 300), changing the interval length to 150 will produce an output raster with value ranges from (10 - 250) and (250 - 300).

      2. Select Number of Intervals, type a value in the Value field, and click OK. The intervals are divided evenly. For example, if you enter 15 in the Value field, the new classification profile will have 25 intervals, with the minimum and maximum cell values adjusted evenly over the intervals.
    • Use Null for Undefined Class - Select this check-box to use null values in the output raster for undefined class intervals.
    • Click OK to apply the changes. The interval gets updated.
  10. In the Output File box enter the name you want to specify for your output file. Click to browse to the location in your computer to save the output file and select the required output file format.
    1. Click Output Settings to specify the following. The values in Output Settings are controlled by the Raster Preferences dialog; however, you can override those settings here.
      • Display Output File - Select the check-box, if you want to open the output file in the Map window on completion of the operation. You can configure to make this the default behavior from the Raster Preferences dialog.
      • Compression Settings - If the file format to be saved is an MRR or TIFF, the Compression Settings options will appear. The available options are listed below.
        • Data Balanced
        • Data Speed
        • Data Space
        • Advanced

          The Data Balanced allows you to achieve a balance between data speed and space. With the other two options Data Speed and Data Space, you can choose between speed or space. Choose Advanced option to set the advanced compression options such as compression method, level, and encoding type. For details, on Advanced option, see Compression Settings.

      • Compression- Select a suitable compression method and level for the data. For more information on compression, see Compression methods.
      • Encoding Type - Select a suitable Encoding Type for the data from the list. It enables you to compress the data when saving a raster to MRR format. Encoding Type is enabled only when the raster field type is Continuous and the compression method is lossless such as ZIP, LZMA or LZ4. For more information, see Encoding Type.
  11. Click Display to display the output file on the map window.