Using the Cell Value Tool - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
First publish date

The Cell Value tool displays the cursor location as well as information about all open and active grids at that location, including the grid cell value and the grid file name. For a continuous grid, this tool will display the cell value corresponding to the location where you have clicked. For a classified grid, this tool will display the name of the class corresponding to the cursor location.

To display the cell values of a grid:

  1. Open a raster file in the map window.
  2. On the Raster tab, in the Properties group, click Cell Value and then choose Full. Click anywhere on the raster in the map window.
    If you choose the Status Bar mode, the Cell Value dialog box does not open and the cell information is displayed on the status bar.
    The cursor appearance will change and you can click anywhere in the grid to view its cell value and location of the cell. The Cell Value dialog box opens in a floating state. The Cursor Location will show the location of the cell value clicked as X and Y coordinates.
  3. In the Selected Cell Info tab, you will see a tabular view of the value of the cells you clicked along with the name of the grid. If there are multiple grids opened, you will see the list of the grids along with the cell values you clicked on the grids.
  4. Click Capture Data to create a table to automatically store the results of all inspections. You can save this table as a csv file. If you clear this check-box, you will see a pop-up asking you whether to save the data or not.
  5. Click the Neighboring Cells tab. The first item in the Select Raster drop-down list is the active grid on the map window. If more than one grid files are opened, the drop-down list will list all the files.
  6. Select the required nxn neighboring cell matrix from the Neighboring Cell drop-down list.

    There are three matrices - 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7. Once you select any matrix, value of the cell you had clicked on the grid will appear in the middle of the matrix. It will be colored gray. The other values in the matrix represent the cell values that neighbor the cell you selected.