Export to MapInfo TAB - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

Product type
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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
First publish date

The Export to MapInfo TAB option enables you to export an input raster into a MapInfo TAB file format. The output TAB file will be a point file where each point represents the center or corner of each raster cell. Using the tool you can export data from a raster to a vector file and then modify the values of individual cells as required. Points will be attributed with columns that hold the requested field(s) band(s) data.

In case of a multifield-multiband raster file, each selected field in the input raster will be exported as a separate TAB file, containing columns corresponding to the selected number of bands under that field. By default, the TAB file is named after the Field name which is being exported. The points in output vector file will be colored using the color value of the cell.

The following parameters can be set for Export to Mapinfo TAB file format:

  • Null Cell Value - Value to be written for null cells in the output text file.
  • Write XY Coordinate - Specifies whether the XY coordinates will be written in the output TAB file or not. When checked, the output file will have XYZ values, else only Z values.
  • Export Origin - Specifies the location of the first cell written to the file. The grid will be written sequentially from this point.
  • Cell Origin At - Specifies whether the XY coordinates refer to the cell center or lower-left corner of the cell.
  • Delimiter - Specifies how the values will be separated in the output TAB file. For example, tab, space, semi colon, comma, or user-defined value.
  • Precision - Specifies the number of digits after decimal point that will be written in the output file.