Exploring the Volume Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The Volume dialog box enables you to specify various options to calculate the volume.

Input File

Select input rasters for which you want to calculate the volume.

Select Fields, Bands

If the selected input raster has multiple fields and bands, the Select Fields, Bands option allows you to choose either All Fields All Bands or a particular field for the processing.

Select a specific field from the drop-down list, you can then choose the desired bands from that field. You can not select bands from different fields, because only one field can be selected at a time. Click the radio button against the field or check-box against the band that you want to select. By default All Fields All Bands option is selected for you.

Volume Options

This section contains the following, as shown in the image below:

  • Volume Method - Select the desired volume method from the drop-down list.
  • Secondary Grid - This option appears only when you choose Between Rasters in the Volume Method. Choose a second raster for calculation from the drop-down list or click the browse button to select it from your computer. Choose the second raster so that you can calculate volume between the two.
  • Volume Action - Select the desired volume action. Choose one from the drop-down list.
    • Above Primary Raster - Computes volume above primary raster, i.e. areas where primary raster is below secondary raster, other areas will be excluded.
    • Below Primary Raster - Computes volume below primary raster, i.e. areas where primary raster is above secondary raster, other areas will be excluded.
    • Between Rasters - This method calculates the volume between two rasters' surfaces that vary. The variation between primary and secondary raster surface is calculated in areas where they are above, below, or intersect each other. The volume is calculated in areas where the two surfaces overlap each other.
  • Set Volume Unit - Select this check-box to specify the computed volume unit type. If the projection of the input file is in latitude/longitude you must specify the Output Units else you will get an error. If the projection of the input file is other than latitude/longitude the output will be according to the horizontal units of the input file. You can override this by specifying the volume unit.
    • Vertical Unit - By default, the vertical unit information is derived from the band information for the selected band in the input raster. However, you can override it by selecting the required unit from the drop-down list.
    • Output Unit - By default, the output units are calculated from the primary input raster's projection information. However, you can override it by selecting the required unit from the drop-down list.
  • Create File Output - Select this option if you want to save the result in a file. If you do not create an output file, the volume is still calculated and the details of calculations are displayed in the output section. This output section displays result of the calculation.
    • Input - Input file used for the volume calculation.
    • Operation Settings - Displays the result based on the volume parameters you had selected for performing the volume calculation.
    • Message - Displays whether the operation was completed successfully.
    Input Operation Settings Message
    Input file used for the volume calculation.

    List of operation settings used for the volume calculation.

    • Field/band used for the volume calculation.
    • Volume Action used for calculation.
    • Volume Method used for calculation and the specified value.
    • Volume - Total volume of the surface.
    • Cell Count - Total cells count in input raster which matched the criteria. This may or may not be equal to total valid cells in input raster.
    • Unit - Computed volume unit code.

Output File

Specify a name, location and format for the output raster that you are creating. In the Output File box enter the name you want to specify for your output file. Click to browse to the location in your computer to save the output file. You can also select the required output file format.

Click Output Settings to specify the following. The values in Output Settings are controlled by the Raster Preferences dialog; however, you can override those settings here.

  • Display Output File - Select the check-box, if you want to open the output file in the Map window on completion of the operation. You can configure to make this the default behavior from the Raster Preferences dialog.

    If the output file format is an MRR or a TIFF, additional options appear. The available options are listed below.

  • Compression Settings
    • Data Balanced
    • Data Speed
    • Data Space
    • Advanced

    The Data Balanced option allows you to achieve a balance between speed of operation and file size. The system selects the best combination of speed and space for you. With the other two options Data Speed and Data Space, you can choose between speed of operation and storage space. Choose Advanced option to set the advanced compression settings such as compression method, level, and encoding type. For details on the Advanced option, see Compression Settings.

  • Compression- Select a suitable compression method and level for the data. For more information on compression, see Compression methods.
  • Encoding Type - Select a suitable Encoding Type for the data from the list. It enables you to compress the data when saving a raster to MRR format. Encoding Type is enabled only when the raster field type is Continuous and the compression method is lossless such as ZIP, LZMA or LZ4. The drop-down list contains the following:
    • None - No encoding.
    • Previous Column Linear - Performs linear estimation of the value from previous two columns.
    • Previous Column Value - Predicts the value from previous column.
    For more information, see Encoding Type.