Exploring the Raster Info Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
First publish date
The Raster Info dialog box enables you to view properties of a raster dataset like coordinate system, cell size, grid size, grid origin, etc.

Input File

Select an input raster from the Input File drop-down list, whose properties you want to view.


Property Description
Name Name of the input raster. Click the button to edit the name of input raster. Click the button to apply the change. Click the button to cancel the change.
File Extension Identifies the input raster file extension. For example, .grd for Vertical Mapper numeric grids, .mrr for Multi-Resolution Raster grids, etc.
File Format Identifies the file format of the input raster.
File Driver The file driver ID that is used to create the raster. The drivers supported are:
  • MI_MRR for Multi-Resolution Raster files
  • MI_Encom_Float for GRD for Encom Float Grids
  • MI_VerticalMapper_GRD for Vertical Mapper numeric grids
  • MI_VerticalMapper_GRC for Vertical Mapper classified grids
  • MI_Surfer_Binary_GRD for Surfer Binary grids
  • MI_GeoTiff_IMG for GeoTiff images
  • MI_ERMapper_ERS_GRD for ER Mapper grids
  • MI_ESRI_Float_GRD for ESRI Float grids
  • MI_BandInterleaved_BIL for Band Interleaved Image (by line)
  • MI_BandInterleaved_BIP for Band Interleaved Image (by pixel)
  • MI_BandInterleaved_BSQ for Band Interleaved Image (sequential)
  • MI_Surfer_ASCII_GRD for Surfer ASCII grids
  • MI_GDAL_GENERIC for raster files
File Date Modified The date the raster file was modified.
Current Projection The projection system of the input raster dataset. To edit the projection, click the button and select the desired projection from the Category and Subcategory drop-down list.
Raster Size Displays the size of the input raster as width and height.
Spatial Bounds Specifies the X and Y coordinates of the input raster.
Raster Bounds Specifies the input raster bounds in X and Y coordinates.

Raster Field Information

Field Property Description
Field Specifies the field index.
Field Name Specifies the name of the field. Click the button to edit the field name.
Field Type Defines the types of fields supported in MapInfo Pro Advanced. There are four types of fields:
  1. Classified
  2. Continuous
  3. Imagery
  4. Image Palette
Cell Size X and Y The cell size of the input raster in both X and Y directions.
World origin X and Y The bounds of the input raster in X and Y coordinates.
Compression Type Defines the type of compression of the raster data. Raster compression can be of five types - None, ZIP, LZMA, PNG, or JPEG, depending on the field type.
Compression Level Defines the level of compression of the input raster dataset. Default values are 0-9.
Raster Size The size of the input raster.
Spatial Bound Specifies the X and Y coordinates of the input raster.

Raster Band Information

Band Property Description
Band [1] Specifies the band index.
Band Name Displays the name of the band. Click the button to edit the band name.
Band Type The source of the raster band values. Band types can be of the following types:
  1. Concrete - Band data is stored in the raster dataset.
  2. Component - Band data is an acquired component of another concrete band.
  3. TableField - Band data is acquired from a classification table field.
  4. TableFieldComponent - Band data is an acquired component of another band acquired from a classification table field.
MapInfo Units Defines the MapInfo units. For example, miles, meters, chains, nautical miles, degree, arc minute, etc. To change the unit, click the button and select the desired unit from the drop-down list.
Band Data Type Specifies the data type of the band. For example, RealSingle, RealDouble, NullData, etc.
Store Data Type Denotes the data type of the bands when stored inside the raster.
Decimal Restricted Denotes whether decimal is to be removed. Yes if TRUE.
Decimal Precision Denotes the precision of digits after the decimal.
Discrete Value Denotes whether the value of a cell represents the average value of the measured quantity over the cell region.
Transform Required Denotes whether band data needs to be transformed. TRUE when Band Data Type and Store Data Type are different.
Offset Specifies the raster offset value.
Scale Scale value of the input raster.
Clipped Denotes whether to display the minimum and maximum cell values to define the clip limits. Yes if TRUE.
Clip Min The minimum clip value of the raster.
Clip Max The maximum clip value of the raster.
Null Value Type Specifies the method to write null values to a raster. Null value types supported are:
  1. None
  2. NumericCompare
  3. StringCompare
  4. Mask
  5. FixedMethod
  6. FixedValue
Null Value The value of null cells written depending on the type of null value type used. For example, NumericCompare type will write null values of type numeric, for example, 0 or 999,999. StringCompare type will write null values of type string, for example, NULL.

Raster Event Information

Event Property Description
Event Name Displays the name of the event.
Time Time of event.
Event Type Type of Event.
Levels Number of pyramid levels in the event.