Input File
Select a raster to Polygonise from the Input File drop-down list or
click to browse and select the required raster data file.
Polygonisation Methods
Select the required Polygonisation methods from the Method drop-down list. See Polygonisation methods for more information.
Match Colors to Input - Select this if you want to use the color from source raster to style the color of your polygons.
Display Region Border Line - Select this if you want to use the color from source raster to color border lines of the regions.
When you select User Defined polygonisation method, a polygon is created around the breaks or intervals that you define. This method works on continuous raster only. The Interval List appears where you can preview polygon intervals and modify their settings.
- Minimum - In the Minimum field, enter the minimum cell value. The value below the specified minimum value will not be considered for polygonisation.
- Maximum - In the Maximum field, enter the maximum cell value, the cell values above the specified maximum value will not be considered for polygonisation.
- Interval Method - Depending on the method selected, fixed or custom, the items in the drop-down list change.
- Number - Specify the desired number in the Number field, if Number of intervals is selected. For example, if the input raster contains cell values between 1 to 100, and the number of intervals is specified as 5, it will result in 5 intervals with a spacing of 20 each.
- Spacing - Specify the desired number in the Spacing field, if Fixed spacing is selected. For example, if the input raster contains cell values between 1 to 100, an spacing of 20 will result in 5 intervals.
Output File
Specify a name and location for the output file that you are creating. In the
Output File box enter the name for your output file.
Click to browse to the location in your computer to save the
output file.
Click Output Settings to specify the following. The values in Output Settings are controlled by the Raster Preferences dialog; however, you can override those settings here.
- Display Output File - Select the check-box, if you want to open the output file in the Map window on completion of the operation. You can configure to make this the default behavior from the Raster Preferences dialog box.