Exploring the Merge Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The Merge dialog box enables you to combine multiple grids into a single output grid. For overlapping areas, there exist a number of data handling options. All input rasters should have the same projection systems for better result. Even though the Merge tool can merge grids of various coordinate systems, it is recommended to merge grids of the same coordinate system for better performance.


  • Create MVR - Select the check-box to create the output in the Virtual Raster format.
  • Input File - Select an input raster from your computer.
  • Rasters To Merge - This section displays a list of all selected grids. You can change the grid orders by clicking and dragging the icon on the left of a grid alias. Click Info to view information about the selected raster. The primary raster has a yellow colored star next to it for easy identification. By default, the first raster in the Rasters to Merge list is the primary raster. The primary raster is used to define the geometry and projection of the output file.

    The maximum number of files that can be merged together in MapInfo Pro Advanced is 2043.

Merge Options

The Merge Options section consists of the following options:

  • Edit Primary Raster - When selected, this will write the merged output into the primary raster and the output file will not be generated. This is useful when you want to observe the result even without creating an output file. However, you need to be careful as it will modify your input raster data.
    Note: The Edit Primary Raster works with Vertical Mapper (*.grc and *.grd) and MRR formats only.
  • Merge Region - Merge type denotes how the input grids will be merged. There are three types:
    1. Union - In this method, the input grids are merged using the math union operation. For example, consider the input grids A and B.

      Input Grids

      Using Merge Type Union

    2. User Rectangle - In this method, the input grids are merged inside a user specified rectangle. You can define the rectangle bounds anywhere in the primary grid. The rectangle coordinates should match the coordinate system of the primary grid.
    3. Map Extent - In this method, the grids are merged according to the map extent of the primary grid. The map extent is defined by the visible area of the grid in a map window.
  • Merge Operators - Merge operators consists of all the overlap combining methods that are used to combine the grids. There are several merge operators in MapInfo Pro Advanced. See Merge operators for more information.
  • Add Vertical Offset - Denotes the offset value to be added to the grid cell values while merging the grids.
  • Resample Method - Denotes the resample method to be used while merging the grids. See Resample methods for more information.
  • Multi-Resolution Output - Select this check-box to create Multi-Resolution tiles. See Multi Resolution Mode for more information.

Output File

Specify a name, location and format for the output raster that you are creating. In the Output File box enter the name you want to specify for your output file. Click to browse to the location in your computer to save the output file. You can also select the required output file format.

Click Output Settings to specify the following. The values in Output Settings are controlled by the Raster Preferences dialog; however, you can override those settings here.

  • Display Output File - Select the check-box, if you want to open the output file in the Map window on completion of the operation. You can configure to make this the default behavior from the Raster Preferences dialog.

    If the output file format is an MRR or a TIFF, additional options appear. The available options are listed below.

  • Compression Settings
    • Data Balanced
    • Data Speed
    • Data Space
    • Advanced

    The Data Balanced option allows you to achieve a balance between speed of operation and file size. The system selects the best combination of speed and space for you. With the other two options Data Speed and Data Space, you can choose between speed of operation and storage space. Choose Advanced option to set the advanced compression settings such as compression method, level, and encoding type. For details on the Advanced option, see Compression Settings.

  • Compression- Select a suitable compression method and level for the data. For more information on compression, see Compression methods.
  • Encoding Type - Select a suitable Encoding Type for the data from the list. It enables you to compress the data when saving a raster to MRR format. Encoding Type is enabled only when the raster field type is Continuous and the compression method is lossless such as ZIP, LZMA or LZ4. The drop-down list contains the following:
    • None - No encoding.
    • Previous Column Linear - Performs linear estimation of the value from previous two columns.
    • Previous Column Value - Predicts the value from previous column.
    For more information, see Encoding Type.