Input File
From the Input File drop-down list select the raster to filter or click
to browse and select the required raster file.
If the input raster has multiple fields and bands, the Select Fields, Bands option allows you to choose either All Fields All Bands or a particular field for the processing.
Select a specific field from the drop-down list, you can then choose the desired bands from that field. You can not select bands from different fields, because only one field can be selected at a time. Click the radio button against the field or check-box against the band that you want to select. By default All Fields All Bands option is selected for you.
Filter Options
This section contains the following, as shown in the image below:
- Select Category - Select the filter type, for example, enhancement, smoothing, etc.
- Select Filter - Once you select the type of filter, select the filter you want to use. Common enhancement filters include 3x3 Laplacian, 3x3 Edge Sharpen, etc. Common smoothing filters include 3x3 Average, 3x3 Gaussian SD=0.391, etc.
Output File
Specify a name, location and format for the output raster that you are creating. In the
Output File box enter the name you want to specify for
your output file. Click to browse to the location in
your computer to save the output file. You can also select the required output file
Click Output Settings to specify the following. The values in Output Settings are controlled by the Raster Preferences dialog; however, you can override those settings here.
Display Output File - Select the check-box, if you want to open the output file in the Map window on completion of the operation. You can configure to make this the default behavior from the Raster Preferences dialog.
If the output file format is an MRR or a TIFF, additional options appear. The available options are listed below.
- Compression Settings
- Data Balanced
- Data Speed
- Data Space
- Advanced
The Data Balanced option allows you to achieve a balance between speed of operation and file size. The system selects the best combination of speed and space for you. With the other two options Data Speed and Data Space, you can choose between speed of operation and storage space. Choose Advanced option to set the advanced compression settings such as compression method, level, and encoding type. For details on the Advanced option, see Compression Settings.
- Compression- Select a suitable compression method and level for the data. For more information on compression, see Compression methods.
- Encoding Type - Select a suitable Encoding Type for the data from the list. It enables you to compress the data when saving a raster to MRR format. Encoding Type is enabled only when the raster field type is Continuous and the compression method is lossless such as ZIP, LZMA or LZ4. The drop-down list contains the following:
- None - No encoding.
- Previous Column Linear - Performs linear estimation of the value from previous two columns.
- Previous Column Value - Predicts the value from previous column.