Profile Graph Window
Displays the profile graph along a line or polyline object on the input raster, as shown below:
When you draw an objects on the map, a data series is created and the corresponding profile is displayed on the profile graph window. However, there is a limitation on the number of profiles that can be displayed on the profile graph window. It can display the first 75 profiles only for the cross section. For example, if there are hundreds of objects on the map, the data series and corresponding profiles will be created only for the first 75 profiles.
Click on the
upper-right corner in the Cross Section dialog to save the cross section graph as an image (jpeg, png, or tif).
Click on the
upper-right corner in the Cross Section dialog to access the
Cross Section options. This window contains:
- Cross Section Options
- Maximum Sample Count - Denotes the number of points to be sampled along a line or polyline. You can set the number of points from the Raster Preferences dialog box.
- Point Marker - Denotes the marker on each sample on the profile. The options are crosshair and popup showing the X and Y coordinates of each point.
- Show Point Symbol on Map - Denotes the point marker symbol on the map window along the profile.
- Profile Thickness - Denotes the thickness of the graph on the profile window.
- Chart Title - The title of the profile chart.
- Axis Options
- X-Axis Unit of Measure - Denotes the distance unit on the X-axis. The value at each point shows the distance from the source.
- Show X-Axis Label - Denotes whether the label along the X-axis needs to be displayed on the graph.
- Show Y-Axis Label - Denotes whether the label along the Y-axis needs to be displayed on the graph.
- Show Zero Value Line - Denotes whether a straight line from origin (0,0) needs to be displayed on the graph.
- Aspect Ratio[X:Y] - Denotes aspect ratio of X-axis and Y-axis. By default, it is set to Automatic , clear the check-box to override it.
- Raster Options
- Show Horizontal Grid Lines - Denotes whether horizontal grid lines need to be displayed on the graph.
- Show Vertical Grid Lines - Denotes whether vertical grid lines need to be displayed on the graph.
- Background Color - Denotes the background color of the graph.
- Major Grid Lines Color - Denotes the color of the major grid lines of the graph.
- Minor Grid Lines Color - Denotes the color of the minor grid lines of the graph.
- Legend Position - Denotes the position of the profile legend. The profile legend represents the color of graph and its respective data series name.
Click on the
upper-right corner in the Cross Section dialog to display the graph legends on any position on the graph. For example, depending on the selection from the Legend Position drop-down list, the legend will be displayed accordingly.
Exporting a profile as a TAB or CSV
Click Export... to export the graph profile details as a MapInfo TAB or CSV file.