Exploring the Combine Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The Combine dialog box enables you to produce an MRR file with multiple fields and/or bands by combining input files. MapInfo Pro Advanced allows you to combine different input raster datasets having different projection, origin and cell size.

Input File

In this section, select one or more input rasters from the drop-down list. If raster files are not already open, browse to a file location to open any supported raster file. When you click in the Input File drop-down list, you will get the list of open raster files to choose from. Click the check-box to select a file from the list.

Combine Options

The Combine Options section consists of the following:

  • Combine Inputs As - This drop-down displays a list of options to determine how you want to combine the different input raster files. Imagery, Image Palette or Classified type raster files can not be added as a band. You can add them as fields only. Only Continuous field type can be added as bands in a field.

    You have three combine options:

    1. Bands of a Single Field - If you select this option, all input rasters are added as multiple bands to a single field. For example, if you select four input rasters, the output raster will be created having four bands to a single field.
    2. Individual Fields - If you select this option, individual fields will be created for each selected input rasters. For example, if you select four input rasters, the output raster will be created having four fields.
    3. Custom Mapping - Select this option to combine single-field legacy rasters and create a multi-field multi-band MRR output. This option also allows you to create your own combination of fields and bands for the output MRR.
  • Preserve Field/Band Names - Select this check-box to retain input raster's existing field/band name. If you clear this check-box, MapInfo Pro Advanced auto-assigns and displays the default names for the selected fields and bands. By default the naming of the fields will be Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, etc. Each field may have one or more bands, then the default names of the bands would be Band 1, Band 2, Band 3 etc.

  • Output Raster Structure - This section displays the output raster's field and band structure to give you an idea of your output raster. You can edit a field/band name by typing a new name in the respective field/band name box.

    To modify the output structure you can add or remove a field or band. Click the Add Field button to add a new field. Click the button to remove a field. Click the drop-down list button to select a band from the list. The drop-down list derives the bands from the Input File. The list is dynamically updated as you add or remove a field or band from the Input File list.

Output File

Enter the output file name in the box. Click to open the Save File As dialog. Browse to select the output file directory in your computer. You can select the file type from the Save As type drop-down list. The default output format for Combine is an MRR file.

The output format depends on the type of structure you have decided. If you want a multi-field output structure then the output format would be an MRR file only. If you want a single-field multi-band output then the following output formats are supported.

  • GeoTiff Image (*.tif,*.tiff)
  • ERMapper ERS Grid (*.ers)
  • Band Interleaved Image (by line) (*.bil)
  • Band Interleaved Image (by line) (*.bip)
  • Band Interleaved Image (by line) (*.bsq)

Expand the Output Settings

  • Display Output File - Select the Display Output File check-box if you want the output raster to be displayed in the map window, after the combine operation is successful.

If the output file format is an MRR, the Compression options will appear under Output Settings. Select the compression method and level for the output MRR. By default, the compression settings are picked up from the Preferences settings.

The MRR compression methods are:

  • LZ4
  • ZIP
  • LZMA
  • PNG
  • JPEG

For more information about the compression methods, refer to Compression methods.