Exploring the Cell Value Dialog Box - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The Cell Value dialog box enables you to view the cell values of all active grid files at the cursor location. The Cell Value dialog box is not docked and opens in a floating state.

Cursor Location

Displays the X and Y coordinates of the location you have clicked on the raster.

Selected Cell Info

This tab displays information about the raster and the cell value at the cursor location. For a multifield-multiband raster, you will be able to see individual band information. The Selected Cell Info tab contains the following options.

  • Select Raster - This drop-down lists all open rasters along with their fields and bands. You can select one or more fields or bands from the list. The cell value will be displayed for all selected fields and bands.
  • Show Band Unit - Displays the band unit for the raster file. The band unit will display UndefinedUnitCode, if the band has no unit or the input raster filed type is Imagery or Classified.

    You can set to show or hide the Show Band Unit option from the Raster Preferences dialog box.

  • Track Cursor - When selected, it displays the cell values of the cursor location when you hover your mouse over the active map window. The cell value keeps updating with the mouse cursor movement on the map window. When Track Cursor is disabled, the cell value is updated only when you click on different locations on the map.
  • Show All - When Show All is selected, you can track cell value of a layer on the status bar even if the layer visibility is off in the Explorer window. It displays the cell values for rasters open in all map window. If more than one raster is open, the cell values will be displayed for all of them.

The cell value is displayed in a grid. For a raster containing more than one fields or bands, click the Select Raster drop-down list and select the desired field and or band to inspect the cell value.

For a classified raster, the Cell Value tool displays the class label.

Neighboring Cells

This tab displays the values of the neighboring cells. You can choose a cell matrix from this drop-down list. The is a predefined matrix of 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7 cells. The value of the selected cell is at the center of the matrix. For a classified field type, it displays the neighboring class label instead of cell values.

For a multifield-multiband .MRR file, you can view the band value by selecting a particular band from the Field, Band drop-down list.

  • Select Raster - This drop-down lists all open rasters along with their fields and bands. You can select one or more fields or bands from the list. The cell value will be displayed for all selected fields and bands.
  • Neighboring Cell - This drop-down list contains a predefined matrix of 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7 cells. You can select the desired cell matrix to inspect values of the neighboring cells.
  • Field, Band - This drop-down lists the fields and bands of the selected raster. You can select a band from any field to inspect its value. You can select only one band at a time.

Capture Data

Selecting this check-box will enable you to store the result of all inspections across all raster files. You can save the data as a CSV or TAB for future analysis. Again for a multifield-multiband raster, you will see a tabular representation of the band values, as shown below. From the Capture Data for drop-down list, select one or more rasters for which you want to extract the data.