Define Contour Polyline or Region at Fixed Intervals - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

Product type
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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
First publish date

To create polyline or region contours at fixed intervals:

  1. Select Fixed Intervals from the Method drop-down list in the Contour dialog box.
  2. Click Intervals to navigate to Intervals panel.
  3. In the Minimum field, enter the minimum cell value that will be used for contouring. The value below the specified Minimum value will not be considered for contouring.
  4. In the Maximum field, enter the maximum cell value that will be used for contouring. The cell values above the specified Maximum value will not be considered for contouring.
  5. Select the interval method from the Interval Method drop-down list.

    There are two interval methods:

    • Use min/max as start end contour - Select this option to define the fixed contour levels between the values specified in Minimum and Maximum fields. In this option, the first level contour or base contour will start at the minimum value that you have specified. The subsequent contour levels will be created at an interval of the value specified in the Spacing field, till the maximum value is reached.

      For example, if the minimum value is -200, the maximum value is 200 and the contour spacing is 75, the first or base contour will be created at -200, then at an interval of 75 units. As a result, the output file will have contours at -200, -125, -50, 25, 100 and 175 levels.

    • Use min/max to identify bounds - Select this option to define the fixed contour levels in order to define the contour bounds between the values specified in Minimum and Maximum fields. In this option, contour levels will define with constant Spacing in both up and down direction starting with 0 level. For example, if the minimum value is -200 and the maximum value is 200. You want to create contours at spacing of 75, the output Contour will be created at -150, -75, 0, 75, 150 levels.
  6. In the Spacing field, enter value to specify the contour spacing.
  7. Select the Create Major Interval check-box if you want to show major contour lines on the map. When selected, you must specify Major Interval Step.
  8. Type a value in the Major Interval Step field. It denotes the frequency in which major contours are generated. The value must be greater than zero.
  9. Select the line styles for the contour lines and major contour line from the Interval Style and Major Interval Style controls respectively.
  10. Select the Match colors to input check-box to use the input raster's color scheme for coloring the contour lines/polygons.
  11. Select the Display region border line check-box to display the region border. This option gets enabled only when you are generating region contour.
  12. Click OK to save the changes.