Common Expressions - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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Common expressions are a list of standard mathematical and logical expressions.

Name Description Expression
Add two inputs Calculate sum of two inputs. Input_1+Input_2
Subtract two inputs Calculate difference between two inputs. Input_1-Input_2
Multiply two inputs Calculate product of two inputs. Input_1*Input_2
Divide two inputs Calculate division of two inputs. Input_1/Input_2
Average two inputs Calculate average of two inputs. (Input_1+Input_2)/2
Keep if < variable Keep values from first raster if it is less than the value assigned to the variable. Cond(Input_1 < Variable_1, Input_1, null)
Keep if > variable Keep values from first raster if it is greater than the value assigned to the variable. Cond(Input_1 > Variable_1, Input_1, null)
Scale range 0-255 Scale values in input raster to range 0-255. Round(255 * (Input_1-Rmin(Input_1))/(Rmax(Input_1)-Rmin(Input_1)),1)
Absolute difference of two inputs Calculate absolute difference of two input rasters. Abs(Input_1-Input_2)
Equal to variable Extract cells that are equal to a given value. Cond(Input_1=variable1, Input_1, NULL)
Not equal NULL Extract cells that do not have NULL value. Cond(Input_1 <> NULL, Input_1, NULL)
Keep first if second valid Retain value from first raster if the second raster cell is valid. Cond(Input_2 <> NULL, Input_1, NULL)
Keep first if < second Keep value of first raster if it is less than the values of second raster. Cond(Input_1 < Input_2, Input_1, NULL)
Keep first if > second Keep value of first raster if it is greater than the values of second raster. Cond(Input_1 > Input_2, Input_1, NULL)
Keep first if second equal to variable Keep value from first raster if second raster equal to variable. Cond(Input_2=variable1, Input_1, NULL)
Keep between two variables Keep value from raster if between two variables. Cond ((Input_1 > variable1) AND (Input_1 < variable2), Input_1, NULL)
Replace with variable Replace all values in a raster equal to variable. Cond(Input_1=variable1, variable2, Input_1)
Calculate NDVI Used for remote sensing of vegetation. It calculates NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). NDVI can be derived from digital CIR data, which can be used in plant analysis. (NIR - Red) / (NIR + Red) where NIR is the Near Infrared channel, and Red is the Red channel.
Calculate NDWI Used for remote sensing of water. It calculates NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index). (Green - NIR) / (Green + NIR), where NIR is the Near Infrared channel, and Green is the Green channel.
Calculate NBR Used to quantitatively identify burned areas. NBR (Normalized Burn Ratio). (SWIR - NIR) / (SWIR + NIR)