Combine - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
First publish date

The Combine tool is used to combine two or more input raster files into a multi-field multi-band MRR (Multi-resolution Raster). You can combine all field types such as continuous, classified, imagery, and image palette within a single MRR file. For example, using the combine tool you can create an output raster with three bands - representing elevation, slope, and aspect data - from three different single-field single-band continuous raster files. It also supports multi-field, multi-band input raster.

Combine tool is very useful for analyzing satellite data where each band of data is contained in a single file. Performing geoprocessing operations on individual files can be tedious so combining them can save your time. For example, while analyzing Landsat data spreading across multiple files, you can combine them into a single, unified file. This file may contain a single field with all Landsat bands or multiple fields containing individual Landsat bands. MapInfo Pro Advanced allows you to combine input rasters even if they have different projection, origin or cell size.

Once you have combined and created the output raster, you can perform various analysis and processing operations as required.

Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1 (Bands of a Single Field)

If you have three single-field, single-band rasters as shown below, you can combine them to create an output raster with one field with three bands.

Scenario 2 (Individual Fields)

If you have three single-field single-band rasters you can combine them into a single file where each input raster is added as a new field. Each field may have one or more bands.

Custom Mapping

The Custom Mapping allows you to combine single-field legacy rasters and create a multi-field multi-band MRR raster.

MapInfo Pro Advanced allows you to combine rasters having different origins, cell sizes and projections into an MRR.